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What to do?

This november i get my mothers 98eb. I have the shackles, saving for a BL, and im counting down the days till its mine and i can do what i want to it. Untill then i cant really alter it cause my mom drives it. I also think she would flip it. Right now its about due for new tires, my offer to my old man was to split the cost of the tires i want, making us both happy. But i havent decieded what tire to get. I am very interested in the Maxxis Buckshot 265/75/16's. Is it woth it to split the price now, and have 10k miles on them when i get to use them, or just buy them when its mine? Any other ideas, or better tires?


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dreamr said:
Why help pay for tires now when you are going to be buying a new set shortly after you get it and add the lift components ;)
cause i would be getting the bigger better tires i want, not costco's...

If you already have the shackles and are saving for the body lift as you mentioned in the first post. You are going to find those tires looking mighty......................................tiny.
And you'll likely end up buying another set.


Also the bigger tires wouldnt fit now without the lift components. Wait until it yours and the lifts on so you can get tires that fit the best.
