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What to replace oem shocks with?

I guess I have some wrong information. I thought 2002-2005s had struts? These trucks have struts and shocks?

Your information is correct; however Rancho carries the RSX for 3rd Gen Explorer's

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I had Sachs on my mustang

It handled alot better, but i realized i needed new Bushings, not struts...so i kinda wasted money,lol.

I had Sachs on my mustang

It handled alot better, but i realized i needed new Bushings, not struts...so i kinda wasted money,lol.

That's called parts changing; lol. It couldn't have hurt I'm sure.

any report on these yet? I am interested in a new set, but not sure what to get.

No report as of yet, otherthan I received one defective strut which obviously was shipped back. Still awaiting the good one and time for installation. I'll post when I have some form of report; check back periodically.

Damn, I JUST broke 30k on my 04 mounty v8.....and i feel like i already need new shocks!

Well the ride quality seems Excellent half the time, then sometimes i can feel everything on the road and they squeak ALOT when i go thru potholes, go off-roading or go over speedbumps(usually i go around them when i can)

maybe its just my bushings that are causing the bad squeaking....seems like WEATHER plays a big role, because sometimes they dont squeak at all.

Same thing here. I have 50K on my 05 though.
Your low mileage makes me wonder if it wouldn't be bushings. Maybe the elements would dry them out? I really have no idea, it's just surprising that you would have that issue at 30K.

Even with me at 50K and driving on Michigan roads, I don't think I should be having to put new shocks on.

Also, I have the same issue as the original poster, where our roads seem to beat the hell out of the truck. I think it handles great, so I don't want to make it to mushy, but it would be nice if it absorbed some of the bumps before they got to me!

Billstein shocks. I have these on my new Toyota Tacoma 4x4 and the thing drives like a Cadillac on the road! I believe they are model 5100's.

KYB are typically sporty, I know a lot of autocrossers that use them on their racers and mustangs. Most likely will be a bit more rough.

Monroe I've used on my limo's and the ride was nice.

Rancho I've used on my jeep they were a bit stiff, but hey I was mostly off-road so it didn't matter much

Biltsteins are on the Xploder now and Im really very satisfied. Even the wife has noticed a positive difference and she's tough to please (at least regarding suspension).

Rancho rsx reflex

any report on these yet? I am interested in a new set, but not sure what to get.

Here's my update on the Rancho RSX Reflex. They were installed the first week in May. At first, I drove locally and I'm just returning from a trip Florida and all I can say is I'm as happy as a pig in sh_t, great dampening in my opinion. I no longer feel the harshness experienced with the oem shock/strut; and regardless of the mileage on the old ones, the vehicle never took potholes or manholes encountered in the road well, even when the vehicle was new. The Ranchos' seem to compliment the tires I'm running on the vehicle as well. I don't believe I'd be as happy if I were still running the BF Goodrich that came on the vehicle. Currently I have Bridgestone Dueller Alenza's on the vehicle and by comparison to the BF's I'd like to say these are more of a touring tire as oppose to on and off road. They cost more but the ride is worth it, although they are noiser than the bf goodrich. Can't always have your cake and eat it to.
