Wheels and Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheels and Tires

I'm new to the forum and I just introduced myself in the new forum section.

Here is my questions, basically I know much of nothing about cars, but in the market to purchase wheels and tires for my Explorer. The stock wheels and are just way to small... they are 16'.

Here is what I want to purchase and I don't know if they will fit. 20" 51 Fifty Chrome Rims!!
Nankang NS-II Low profile tires (255/35 ZR20)
5 Lug Nut fitment (5 x 127mm - can buy wheel spacers if needed). Comes with all hardware and wheel locks

I know my Explorer has 5 lugs.....would that 5x127mm pattern work? or would I need spacers...........

Thanks for any information you may provide.

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you need 5 x 114.5 with a 70.3 center bore to work on the explorer

you need 5 x 114.5 with a 70.3 center bore to work on the explorer

Thanks for the information.

Well, Here is another problem and I don't know If I pick the right rims and tires. See picture on the link.
Currently, my 04 Explorer has 20X8.5 rims, 114.5 pattern with 275/45 tires. Everytime I take it for a ride, the front left tire seem to be rubbing very hard in the inside wall but it's just the left side, it doesn't make the rubbing noise all over the other tires. What could be the problem? Did I pick the right wheels and tires? or are these the wrong size. Please see pic and let me know any comments or suggestions you may have.

Thanks in advance.


What's it rubbing on? Maybe you could trim the wheel liner with a hand grinder, or get some spacers to push the wheels out.

honestly, I can't see exactly where is rubbing on. At one point I thought the wheel locks weren't tight enough, but I checked and they tight. It seems like grinding/cracking noise coming from that side. Could it that the tires are too big for that size rim though? If indeed I need spacers, what size of spacer would you recommend? 1 inch, 2 inches.......

I would probably take a picture from the inside wall and posted maybe you guys can see it better.

Thanks in advance for the help.

if its only the left side rubbing, start taking measurments from the right front and do the exact same measurements on the left front then compare. also start the truck but leave it in park. turn the steering whell all the way to one lock and then check around the tire see if its hitting anything, then repeat with the wheel turned the opposite way. if you still don't see anything, jack up the front of your truck (do all the normal safety related crap, jack sands etc.) and remove the front wheels. see if the rim has been hitting any suspension parts, look for grind marks in the rim or shiny areas on the suspension

if its only the left side rubbing, start taking measurments from the right front and do the exact same measurements on the left front then compare. also start the truck but leave it in park. turn the steering whell all the way to one lock and then check around the tire see if its hitting anything, then repeat with the wheel turned the opposite way. if you still don't see anything, jack up the front of your truck (do all the normal safety related crap, jack sands etc.) and remove the front wheels. see if the rim has been hitting any suspension parts, look for grind marks in the rim or shiny areas on the suspension

I found out where the tire is rubbing. See picture with arrow, you might have to enlarge to see it. The picture is the original tires and rims, I had to take the 20s off because of the rubbing. What's strange is that the right side is fine and there a few inches in space in between the tire and the suspension arm but not on the left side Why is there a gap in the right side and not on the left? I don't understand that. Is there something else that might be wrong that I'm not aware of? Does the car need to be aligned first? I don't know what to think. I know I've seen some threads where people are using the same size of rim and tire (275/45/20) without mods.
What do you guys think? Any suggestions or comments would be appreciate it.


