Where is the cargo hatch switch? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where is the cargo hatch switch?


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October 14, 2009
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Glendale, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Eddie Bauer
New to Explorers. On the '00 4dr. Eddie Bauer, is there a remote lock/unlock switch for the rear cargo hatch and if there is, where is it???

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The tailgate and backglass is locked/unlocked on the same circuit as the rear doors. There is no dedicated "trunk release" on the RKE fob or otherwise.

The tailgate has its own release handle just behind the lip above the license plate. Open the back glass by pushing the button above the Ford badge.

If it's not unlocking, you may have a shot lock actuator (common). You can manually unlock using the key in the back glass button.

FYI - there's a handy Lock/Unlock switch on the drivers side window sill in the cargo bay which locks/unlocks all doors (just like the switches on the front doors)

Thanks, holter 95 - More help ???

Hard to believe that a vehicle with so many bells and whistles does not have a separate cargo hatch switch, but that seems to be the case.

The rear doors and cargo hatch all lock and unlock perfectly with either the front door switch, rear quarter switch, door keypad or the key fob. However, the front doors are another story. When using any of the switches or the key fob, you can hear the solenoids click, but most of the time the front doors do not lock/unlock. Sometimes they do, but most of the time, they do not. I searched this site and found a lot of good info on door locks, but I am uncertain whether the problem is electrical or simply worn out solenoids. Any thoughts or suggestions?


Hard to believe that a vehicle with so many bells and whistles does not have a separate cargo hatch switch, but that seems to be the case.

Makes perfect sense to me... When could there possibly be a time where you needed to unlock ONLY the window or ONLY the tailgate, but could NOT unlock the other? Realistically, I can't conceive of a single set of circumstances that would require only one to be unlocked at a time...

The lock actuators are a small electric motor attached to a worm gear. They move a shaft/hook that connects to the locking mechanism on the door latch. The gears often times strip or the motor burns out.

Here's how to replace them:

They're usually pretty easy to find used on eBay. IIRC, the front and rear doors are the same part, but the tailgate has a different hook.

I've never had an issue with just unlocking all the doors. My last car (Outback) had a dedicated trunk release button on the fob and I almost never used it. Also nice that you can unlock the tailgate using the keypad on the drivers door (if equipped). Pressing 3 after entering your code unlocks ALL doors.

Makes perfect sense to me... When could there possibly be a time where you needed to unlock ONLY the window or ONLY the tailgate, but could NOT unlock the other? Realistically, I can't conceive of a single set of circumstances that would require only one to be unlocked at a time...

I'm guessing he means like on the 3rd gens, where you can actually pop the glass open with the FOB :dunno:

Good info, holter95 - Thanks!

Worn out solenoids was my first guess, too. However, poor grounds and poor connections can cause similar problems. I plan to pull the panel off the driver's door to check that solenoid and if it is weak or stripped, I will order one for each front door. If not, I guess that I will need to start checking wires. I didn't know about the press 3 on the keypad trick!

Thanks again!
