where to get cell phones for cheap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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where to get cell phones for cheap?


Explorer Addict
March 31, 2001
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Greenville SC (Home) Clemson SC (School)
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GMC Yukon 4x4
I am looking for a new cell phone, I have had mine for like 3 months, so I can not get one in the verizion store unless I pay that full price which is gay. Does anyone know where to get them online? Ebay is pretty pricey... help! thanks.

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why you getting a new one already if youve only had your for 3 months?

one way you can get a new phone for the activation price is to change your current plan. for instance, i used to have the "single rate northeast plan" with verizon, and when i got my new phone last month, i changed from that plan to the new "americas choice plan", and i got the phone for the activation price, which was $230 instead of ~$450 (plus a $50 rebate on the phone i picked.) other than that, i think you might be screwed.

two words... phone insurance... lol. as long as you can answer the "test call" that they send out when you have em tack on the insureance... then just wait a week or two and say you "lost it"... I believe verizon is a $60 deductible... but I didnt say any of this... that would be dishonest... wink wink... lol

An insurance claim is going to replace yours with one of the same model (if still available). Being only 3 months old, I don't think he wants the same model as a replacement.

Why do you want a new phone?


yah, i got that insurance, its great! $5 a month and they replace the phone if ANYTHING happens to it :)

if i can find a phone somewhere else.. then i can get it activated for free... i just need ot find one somewhere.. does ANYONE sell phones just to sell the phone? like online.. i know they probably dont but im just trying... i really want either the new motorola flip color screen phone that verizion just started carrying, or the new samsung that has 7 background colors.

I already said it was not legal, but it is his choice... I was just saying an option :)
Really, to give you an answer... your not gonna find one. It is very unlikely that you will find a phone for cheap. Contrary to popular opinion, phones are NOT cheap. The reason stores can cell them for less, is bc when you agree to sign a contract, the service provider will kick in a portion of the phone cost. Make sense? Yeah... so anyways, thats my opinion...
