where to mount? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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where to mount?

where do you guys mount your cbs in you x's? i have an old radio that I bought at a garage sale. i've used some velcro to hold it up on the side of my center consol but it keeps falling off. i'm thinking of getting a new one but i don't really have the money for it right now. also who has mounted there anntena on there bumper and did you buy a bracket or fab one up. this was probable already answered but i don't have time to look. thanks.

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where do you guys mount your cbs in you x's? i have an old radio that I bought at a garage sale. i've used some velcro to hold it up on the side of my center consol but it keeps falling off. i'm thinking of getting a new one but i don't really have the money for it right now. also who has mounted there anntena on there bumper and did you buy a bracket or fab one up. this was probable already answered but i don't have time to look. thanks.

people that have CB radios on their X's, especially on the bumper, it's most likely a custom mount, or a simple 90 degree bracket you can buy at home depot.

as for the CB radio, i'm not to sure where you could mount it without getting in the way. you could always try under your console or build a custom area for it under the dash. what i mean by custom setup is this, you could build a small box out of wood or fiberglass and if you don't want to drill into your dash, you could use heavy duty velcro to get it to hold onto the carpet... just ideas... good luck

Look around the forum, and in the stickies at the top. Lots of pictures of installs. In the console under the armrest, along the side of the console, in the dash with the factory radio remove, etc.

Do a search before a post like this. There's at least a dozen threads in this forum including a couple stickies that ask this same question as well as showing many solutions. If you look around a bit I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for :thumbsup:

I have looked but most of them are about 1st generationa or they are the really small ones that are limited to what you can do to them in the tuning catagory. I have an idea now but it is still a little unclear of what I will eventually do.

Who needs a cup holder!

Efit! I just got tired and went to RS and got it supersized... don't mind the wires, it's still under construction. There are two brackets hold that thing down and upward at an angle... There are two ant locations, so I can switch locations without moving the cb or reaching under it...

So this is the set up now. I bought a new radio from radio shack and mounted it on the passenger side of the center counsel. I then ran an external speaker to the pillar by the seat belt and mounted it there. Did it a few months back. Thought I should give an update on the situation.

where do you guys mount your cbs in you x's? i have an old radio that I bought at a garage sale. i've used some velcro to hold it up on the side of my center consol but it keeps falling off. i'm thinking of getting a new one but i don't really have the money for it right now. also who has mounted there anntena on there bumper and did you buy a bracket or fab one up. this was probable already answered but i don't have time to look. thanks.

The Antenna, although the most important part of a CB System is the most compromised as far as location of install and SWR adjustments.
Getting a low SWR is good but if the antenna is half blocked by the body of the X then you lose most of the signal into the metal of the body.
The best location for an antenna is high and centered on the vehicle, which spells "On the Roof" but most people don't like it there.

The best thing to do for your antenna is, find the antenna that you want, mount it where you want, then tune the antenna for the lowest SWR.
If, after tuning, the system works the way you like, then you did good, if not then you will need to adjust something, location of antenna, grounding or more power, ha...

Luck to ya...

i just use a mag. mount on the roof. works fine and when i start to hit trees with it i just put it on the hood. :)

Haha! On the hood, nice. :thumbsup:
