Which shock should I get? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which shock should I get?


Well-Known Member
July 22, 2002
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Franklin, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Explorer Sport
Hey guys, I've searched and looked fo rinfo on this subject but I need more! My 97 5.0 needs new shocks badly. I have twisted the torsion bars up fron plus 1.75 inches about. I have add a leafs and shackles in teh back for about plus 2.5 to almost 3 inches in teh back. I am looking for a shock that will complement that setup with my 31 inch BFG all terrains.

I am a 90-95% on road and 5-10% off-road driver. So I need something that handles everyday driving well and can also handle a litlte fun everyonce in a while.

I've looked into Monroe sensatracks and can get those for a good price. But what abotu ranchos or bilsteins? What do you guys run and what do you all recommend? Any comments wanted!

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cheap: Gabriel VST
middle: Monroe
top: rancho 9000

I read somewhere about base rancho's? What do you think about the monroe's compared to Rancho's or Bilstein shocks? I want to spend some $ so that my X (only 77k) has a decent shock to hold up for a while. So I am leaning towards probably higher than a monroe.

I run Rancho 5000's on my '92. They are an excellent shock, but they are fairly stiff. If you don't mind your X riding like the truck it is, you can't beat them.

Hello. What shock do you get when you want a softer ride without any more body roll or worse handling? I have a 98 XLT V8 with 120k.

thank you in advance.

Go with the best and adjust them to the ride you want: RS9000X's... they are onmy wish list.

What's the word on the Rancho RSX? Or the Edelbrock IAS? I think there's another with variable adaptive valving too, from Explorer Pro Comp, I think...

The idea behind the 9000 is great and all, but who really wants to crawl under their truck all the time to adjust their shocks? Sure, you could install the air control deal, but what a PITA. Do you really want to run airlines all through your rig?

Plug and play.

If you install them correctly, it takes about 30 seconds to adjust the front 9000s. I had nonadjustables in the rear, just played with the fronts.

Edelbrock IAS don't last long and they don't honor their warranty.

Rancho RSX are good, but it's nice to be able to do it yourself.

Bilsteins are good though.

Where's a good/cheap source for bilsteins?

I like my RSX's, can be bumpy at times on the road, but it rides solid and takes bigger bumps well. Cheaper than the 9000s if you don't want to spend as much, mine were $203.96 delivered from Truckaddons.com

It was a nice day today, so I went out and installed my Rancho RSXs that have been sitting in my garage all winter. Nose dive is greatly reduced and the ride feels pretty good. Almost anything would be better than the blown stock shocks I replaced. On one of the shocks I removed, I could cycle the piston in and out with two fingers and the rest weren't much better. I can't wait to put a few miles on the RSXs and see how much they improve the handling.

Nice work, I think you will definately be happier with these, especially compared to worn stockers. I like my Rancho 5000's, however, since I live in Somerville (Boston) now, the rough, pot-hole ridden roads in the city have me bouncing all over because of the stiffer ride. But that is one of the trade-offs you get if you want stiffer shocks than stock and AAL's plus a torsion twist. Oh ya, and stronger BFG tires too.

I've had the RSXs on for a few days now and am very happy with them so far. With the new shocks and a set of Bridgestone Dueler Revos I got this weekend, my truck feels better than new now. Much firmer ride than before, but no more bouncing or floating feeling on the highway. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I just hope they last longer than the stockers.
