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Which Toyota is right?

a 16yr old with a toyota on 40's. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Here's hoping he doesn't get what he wants for his own sake. Plus could you imagine the 22r trying to turn 40's. :rolleyes:

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I say that boy is dayum lusky he is getting a truck. He needs to put his own money into tires and suspension.

Straight up hes not gunna find a toyota p/u on 38"s - 40"s for under 3k, unless it is al lrusted out, and some ghetto ass POS on bald tires, and in the most ragged out condition with a blown motor. Toyotas Tend to hold there value, atleast around here. And you defiantly are not going to find one on 38"s to 40"s for the amoutn your(he/your mom) is wanting to spend, maybe he should get one on 33"s and gradually work his way up to 38"s - 40"s.....

And if he thinks im jealous he can kiss off cause im already on 38"s so i have nothign to be jealous about.

Husky, good luck with the search for the right vehicle for him...

PS: hurry up and supercharge your Explorer!!!

tell your brother to go over to Pirate4x4 and ask one of them if he can buy one of their "yotas on 40s" and see what they say (make sure to mention that he is 16 and mom is paying for everything and that he cant even change is oil or one of those big ole 40s). They will eat him for breakfast. (and teach him that mom cant get him everything he wants). :D

He's not getting one with beastly tires now. My mom talked to a guy down the street with one on 39's and heard some nice horror stories. I think he'll have to end up buying a stocker and lifting it himself. The already lifted ones around here that cost ~$3k all "need work".

Been getting calls all day. They went car shopping and my brother (who said he hates Ford) stumbled across a '97 (?) 3.8L Mustang. I don't like the body style of those, but hey, it's a Stang. Then he tells me it's supercharged and sounds like an airplane at takeoff..... Needless to say it's on its way and I'm gonna take it out for a spin :p I'm still looking at a '90 5.0 with some nice internals and a supercharger, if the ******* gets back to me.
