White face or "Tru-Glow" guages for 00-01 Explr/MM Where to get? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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White face or "Tru-Glow" guages for 00-01 Explr/MM Where to get?

Make sure to post some pics after you install them. I'd like to see if they really look like that at night. if they do, man, that'll look pretty sweet.

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Well i just got them today so I started to install them. They had the worst directions ever. But after about an hour, I was installing them. But to my luck, a few things went wrong. 1st, the middle guage was blurry, they didn't make it correctly. 2nd, the last guage didn't have a hole in it where a pin is located, so it couldn't go on. Now I need to get my money back or get a new set. I wrote the guy a letter and I am waiting to see what he says. I hate buying stuff on the internet.

Man, sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope it all turns out alright in the end. Maybe you'll have some cool guages when it's all said and done. Keep us updated, cause I'd still like to see how they turn out if you still choose to go with them.

Well I emailed the guy back and he told me that some explorer don't have a pin
on their oil guage on the far right, that is why there isn't one there, but some how I need it fixed. He is a nice guy to talk to and he responds very quickly. So hopefully I will work something out and get a good set of face guages.

Finally got them... :)

Hey guys,

I finally got my white face gauges yesterday. I also tried installing them yesterday and failed miserably. First of all, it took me forever to get to the gauges after taking apart the dashboard. Anyways, even though it say in the description that you have to remove the needles for domestic cars, I was able to slip them over the original gauges without problems. I was however unable to locate the right power source for my new gauges. I abviously want them to light up when my head lights are turned on...anybody have any idea as to where I can find the right power source....
Besides that, I think the manufacturer of these gauges is "Initial K". That is what is on the bottom left corner of the far left gauge. Posted a pic. Didnt come out very well though.


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