Who Knows Guns? Lookin For A Conceal Pistol | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who Knows Guns? Lookin For A Conceal Pistol


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
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Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
So Im in the market for a handgun to carry with me off-duty and I need a little help cause Im still a rookie when it comes to guns. I was looking at a glock or Smith & Wesson M&P type gun but they are a little on the pricey side. I was told that Kel Tec makes a decent handgun thats pretty easy to conceal also for a better price. Anyone know of any other makes/models around the $500 price range, maybe cheaper?

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Go To your local pawn shop... in the one by me he has quiet the large case. see what they got. right down what you like and look them up. fastest, cheapest and most legal way of doing it...

I have a Glock 19 (mid-size 9mm) and love it. It's a great pistol IMO and fairly easy to carry concealed. Not to discourage you from the M&P, but last year our police dept switched from Glock 22's to the S&W M&P .45 and most of them miss their Glocks. I will say that the M&P is ungodly huge in comparison with most pistols, so if you're looking for a gun to conceal, that may not be your best choice.

You said you were looking for a gun to carry when off-duty. I assume then that you are a police officer? If so, you should be able to get a $100 discount on any Glock pistol. Glock offers a homeland security discount, or something like that, to any police officers, firefighters, EMT's, and people in similar fields. The only catch is that you can't go to just any gunshop, you have to go to a Glock "law enforcement distributor." However, if you look you should be able to find one in your area. That's what I did. I got my 19 brand new for $400 instead of $500. :D

Good luck.

How are you planning on carrying? For a pocket pistol, I have a Taurus ultralite 5-shot 38 special. Its light weight and with an Uncle Mike's pocket holster it hides in light weight kahki shorts easily, and I can shoot it pretty well.

If you're looking for more like an in the wasteband carry, not really comfortable, I love my Springfield XD. Its a 4 inch service model .40. It is by far the best shooting pistol I have ever had and is pretty darn accurate. I haven't shot one, but the 3 inch model feels pretty good too.

Our dept carries the S&W .40 and we are switching to Glocks, all the brass already have the Glocks. Im looking for a wasteband carry.

Umm.. Para Ordinance Covert series, Kimber ultra carry, etc. Dad has a Para and I have a Kimber.. Both guns are just his has a laser sight.. Then again I always tell him he has bad aim.. :D

I'm a rifle man but a good friend of mine is big into pistols. This is his Kel tec, might be the one you are thinking of (P3AT I think?):

From what he tells me that is the ideal pistol to slip in a back pocket. He also has a G17 and Bersa 380. I don't like shooting anything but the Glock, the others are too small for my hands. If you want I'll ask him if I can give you his email so you can pick his brain.

Don't you have to have a license to carry a concealed weapon?

Don't you have to have a license to carry a concealed weapon?

Yes you have to have a permit. Easier to get in some states than others. I'd guess its almost impossible in CT. I've been trying to plan a trip up to CT to go shooting with my grandfather (who used to own a lot of land in Middletown) and I can't take one of my guns. The particular model is illegal to possess in CT.

Yes you have to have a permit. Easier to get in some states than others. I'd guess its almost impossible in CT. I've been trying to plan a trip up to CT to go shooting with my grandfather (who used to own a lot of land in Middletown) and I can't take one of my guns. The particular model is illegal to possess in CT.

Damn there are alot of laws regarding guns in CT

I took a quiz about gun laws in my state. Got 8 of 10 correct got questions 8 & 10 wrong


Here is a summary of Connecticut's gun legislation


My youngest daughter's father was into guns and wanted me to take a NRA safety course so that I could get a permit to carry a gun. I told him no way in hell would I ever own a gun. I know I have the right to own one, but I'll leave the guns to law enforcement. I give those in law enforcement alot of respect for putting their lives on the line daily to protect society.

Does your grandfather still live in Middletown?

I used to have a G26 Glock. Beautiful gun with superb durability and great accuracy.

If you are switching to Glocks as your duty weapon, why not also get a Glock off duty as well. If you get the subcompact Glock in the matching caliber you might also want to think about carrying it as a backup on duty as well (ankle holster etc.)

The magazines are useable in all the same caliber glocks as far as I'm aware of, meaning if something happens you can throw your full size mags into your subcompact of the same caliber and keep on keepin on.

Our dept switched to the 45 GAP models, (which I love coming from the Beretta 96 Brig .40), and my off duty is the subcompact 39 model. The only thing I found with the subcompact is if you have decent sized hands you'll want to look into a mag extension to give you one more finger on the grip.

Other than that I also have a S&W 38 special Airweight revolver, it's hammerless, light, very concealable and shoots great but only holds 5 rounds.

Stay with familiarity... go with a Glock. If you're not already big into pistol shooting the best thing you could do would be to keep you backup pistol as close to the same as your duty weapon. It would really suck to get into a situation and need to use your back up gun and be fumbling with it because you're used to your duty weapon.

my 0.02

I agree with James T as familiarity is a good thing to look for but I think if you stay with a reputable manufacturer i.e. S&W, Glock etc. you won't go wrong, my suggestion is to go to a gun shop and handle as many weapons as you possibly can, shot them if possible and see which one fits you best. Everybodys hands are different and while a gun may feel great in my hands it might not in yours. I carry a Beretta 92FS (and have for 20 years) and I love it. I love the size and weight of it, but I do know there are a lot out there that hate it.

I have a kel tec sub 2000 and it is the biggest pos in the world! I have a glock 17 that is probably the most durable gun I have ever fired. As mentioned by others if your dept is going to glocks you might as well get a glock for a carry weapon. If you want a pocket sized gun go with a s&w .38 snub nose they have been around for ever and are proven reliable!

Ruger has the LCP .380. I carry that all the time. Great little gun. The older models have a recall for a firing issue when carrying a chambered round. I'm waiting for my repairs but the new ones already have this solved. Gun goes for about 325 new.

Also look around at your local gun shops. I have 2 within a 30 min drive that you can pay a $10-$12 fee. Then for $10 rent the gun you want to try out. (over 20 different handguns) and then you buy their ammo and you can try out the one you are looking at. If you buy it the fees are subtracted from the price.

For $25 rental you can play with the fully auto stuff.

The range is indoors.

i carry the para ordnance p10 super small but its 11 rounds in a .45 also all para ordnance mags fit in it!!its pricey but i love the 1911 look!!i also have two more .380 one they done make anymore so i dont carry it and one is the sig 232.the sig is what i carry in my pocket very light and slim great guns also!!we need a post of just guns pics now

sig 232


and this is what i use to carry when i did bounty hunting taurus pt92 laser/flashlight and 32 rounds ahha

One of my fellow officers showed me his subcompact glock today, its def a dif feel. Although its pretty much identicle to what we are carrying so your right about sticking with what we carry. It just makes it a little easier when I already know how the gun works.

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I carry the XD-40 in the winter because I can conceal it with a jacket and carry the PF-9 in the summer because it's easy to conceal due to it's size. The PF-9 is not a fun gun to take to the range but given it's size and it being a 9 mil. it's not that bad. I used to carry the P3AT (.380) but I feel a lot safer with the PF-9.
