Who's the biggest LOTR fan here??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who's the biggest LOTR fan here???


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October 2, 2003
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I would like to plead my case for being the biggest fan.

1) Of course I have read all the books....

2) Yes I went to the opening of the 3 movies on the day they came out.

3) I spent 12 hours in a seat on Tuesday Dec. 16th 2003 in a movie theater so I could watch the special editions of the first 2 movies and then watch the 3rd one.

4) Was watching the 3rd movie at 10:15PM Tuesday while all the saps were waiting till 12:01 Weds to see it.....

5) Lied twice to professors to change my finals so I could go to the opening of the movies.....

6) Not only did I watch all 3 movies last night on the big screen but I am going back again tonight to watch the 3rd movie again.

7) Was on the news last night because of the movie... I'm famous.... (Thanks Andy Warhol, I'm done)

So, how about you all? You fans?

PS - I hope they do all 7 Harry Potters.... I'd sit through that.....too

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dork alert! dork alert! :p

j/k... i'm the same way with star wars.

Im not the biggest fan... however, I have the opportunity to go see the movie this morning at 9:00am with guys from work. (just like we did for Matrix). Ahh nothing beats a good day of gettin paid to watch movies. Dang it, thats like an hour from now... gotta go meet the guys. See yall.

hehe.. we did that with the matrix 2 and 3 also. went during lunch. good stuff!

i did like the first LOTR but i never followed it so i dont know much about the story.

I am not quite that dedicated, never read the books, but really like the movies, and I am gonna go see the new one tonight, so for those of you that have seen it, without giving away any of the plot, was it as good as the second one

Never read the books, never saw the movies; never saw all three original Star Wars, only saw the second 'new' one. Never saw any Harry Potters...

I'm not a fan of any of them. :) But more power to those who do like them. I bet they sure beat the hell out of 'Elf.'

Wow, I didn't think there was anybody who hadn't seen the the original Star Wars trilogy

Obviously not me. I had to open the thread to see what "LOTR" was. :D I saw the second one though. It was long.

Originally posted by section525
Obviously not me. I had to open the thread to see what "LOTR" was.

Ditto...but I havent seen any of them. There's this guy at work that annoys the crap out of me, and he's always talking about "LOTR", which of course steels my resistance to go and see any of them even more.

Just got back... really really liked it. Im not a die hard fan, but if you have any uinderstanding of the story, ts worth going to see. If you havent watched or read any of it until now, dont watch it until you see the prequels...
PS - We made smart comments the entire way thru... very good and somewhat happy at times.

I am not a huge fan of LOTR but my fiancee is. She dragged me to the first two and we will be seeing this one soon. I am more into Harry Potter than LOTR. I have read all of the books, own the DVD's, and the video games.

I saw the second before the first cuz my buddies dragged me along to the opening, it was pretty good. So then I rented the first one. I think its an awesome series and cant wait to see it....after finals are done:(

While watching previews today I saw the newest Harry Potter preview. I am pretty stoked about that. Also, I know its kinda childish, but Shrek 2 is gonna be AWESOME! Im so pumped about a kids movie... weird haha.
PS - and Spider Man 2 in July... its gonna be cool.

Im the BIGGEST fan... Wanna fight about it?

:p ;)

Read the books, have the dvds, a couple of the figures and Tolkiens Unfinished Tales sitting right here beside me:D I am a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, I actually saw Fellowship before I had read the books. Then I got all three books in paperback for Christmas awhile back, and I asked for the leather bound Easton Press versions of all three books and the Silmarillion for Christmas, which I already know I am getting:cool: And Friday me and some friends are going to see Return of the King, and I cannot wait:)
