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why a circuit breaker?


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2004
Reaction score
why would you want a circuit breaker with your power wires for your amp? does it replace the inline fuse?

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A circuit breaker in a car helps to regulate the wiring in a car. It doesn't replace the inline fuse actually, it helps the fuse to simply prevent misfires and shocks. Circuit breakers in a car works just like it would in a home

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter

I'd use em, but they dont make too many big enough for me..... Pretty popular alternative to replacing fuses, but really if there's an electrical problem a circuit breaker is not the answer....

axionplaya said:
A circuit breaker in a car helps to regulate the wiring in a car. It doesn't replace the inline fuse actually, it helps the fuse to simply prevent misfires and shocks. Circuit breakers in a car works just like it would in a home

I disagree. A circuit breaker is simply an alternative to a fuse. It does not do any regulation or fluctuation protection > that's what the battery, capacitor, and voltage regulator are for.

A circuit breaker would be used instead of a fuse because often they work quicker and more reliably, and are resettable.

I stand corrected, nice insight Alec

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter

That's what I'm here for ;)

And even I still have misconceptions about some parts. You live and you learn what's BS and what's not :)

The problem with a circuit breaker is that there is a chance (a small one) that it may fail in a closed state - That is what I just read from the Sept Issue of Performance Auto and Sound.

While true, that is unlikely.

Circuit breakers are like expensive fuses.... if you blow a fuse and don't have a replacement, that sucks, gotta go buy a new one. If you trip the breaker, hit the button and you should be back in buisness. It's a luxury, not a necessity.

a circuit breaker is like a fuse, but it is resetable. They are more expensive, but will save you money over replacing fuses in the long run. If you are blowing fuses however you should figure out what the problem is because it could damage your equipment.

breakers rule- makes it alot easier to work on your system as well- since you can just shut off power instead of disconnecting things.

I had one in my old car and it was nice. There was a short somewhere and it tripped opening the circuit. When I reset it it tripped again as soon as I turned it on, meaning the short was still there. I am glad I had one because one time it tripped on a saturday night, and there was no place was open to get a new fuse, luckily I was able to reset it a was fine.

I upgraded to a breaker for several reasons.

First off, i blew an 80 amp fuse on volume 9 so i obviously needed something that could withstand more power.
Second, now that they didnt make more than 100 amp fuses, i was informed that I'd probably need a 200-250 amp circuit breaker or i could run about 4 fuses, which to me sounds stupid
Third, i could EASILY cut power to my system when working on it
Fourth, It looks cooler
Im sick of numbering... lets just say i dont have to replace fuses anymore.

