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Will leveling kit make a difference


September 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Johnstown Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Sport
I have been deciding whether to lift the front of my 1994 explorer by either coil spacers designed for the explorer, the coil spacers for an F-150 or a leveling kit from rough country. To me the leveling kit seems like it would be the best way to go but it says it only lifts 1.5 and i've heard the others lift more than that. Any input would be helpful

We leveled out my buddy's '94 Ranger with the F150 spacers. They were cheap and it looks a lot better. I think the Explorer leveling kits are way more expensive for pretty much the same thing. A local shop, Les Scwab (I don't know if you have those over there), wanted $450 to do it. We did it for $30 or so.
