will not start sometimes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will not start sometimes


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November 29, 2011
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03 Ford Explorer Sport Tr
03 explorer sport trac. The first time my truck did not start, it seemed it was not getting any fuel, I changed the relay and it worked. Two months later,it happen again, I checked the relay again, nothing, changed the fuel filter, nothing, finally I replaced the fuel pump, it worked. Another two months later I have the same problem, will not start. I noticed if I wait 20 -30 min its starts up, one time it was untill the next morning.

2006 explorer, no cranking, batt tests ok, windows work fine, no dash lights,

Try and follow the wiring to see if you see were a wire might be touching. Also make sure the connection right by the fuel tank is tight and has good contact
