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please help!!!!


April 5, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
New Bedford, Massachusetts
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Explorer
i have a 94 explorer it's been sitting for 16 months so i changerd the oil and filter and put in clean fuel before trying to start it and i was told to pull the fuel relay and crank over the explorer and let the oil pressure rise and then put back the relay i pulled the wrong E.E.C relay i was try to pull the fuel pump relay
but i pulled the power relay accidental while the battery was still connected
first i cranked over the explorer without the relay think it was the fuel relay that i pulled i put back the power relay i tried to start my explorer but nothing happened it didn't start can anybody help me thank you i turn the key and there is no noise or movement from the engine area!!
can anybody help me with this problem i need to get this vehicle running.

Thank You!!

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So, If I'm deciphering your post correctly, you first pulled a relay and cranked the truck over. The motor turned over but didn't start (because of the relay being out). You put the relay back in, and now it won't turn over. Is that correct?

i put back the power relay, then i disconnected the battery over night hoping this would do something, so when i went back into the garage today i reconnected the battery cable back, i put the key in the ignition turn the key half way the the abs brake light came on, the battery voltage light came 0n, and the computer light stood on, then i turn the key to start and everything went died. i turn the key back to lock position and try cranking it again this time nothing came on it was like if the battery was died, but ounce i disconnect the battery cable, and reconnect it then i but the key in the ignition and turn it halfway it's show what i wrote before about the battery, brakes and computer light turn on and off and the computer stays on, but goes died once you try to start it

Is the battery charged?

Could be a bad battery or bad connections between the battery and the rest of the vehicle. I'd check all the battery connections and make sure that the battery is ok (get it checked..even if it's relatively new). If it's still acting that way, get an ohm-meter and verify that the battery cables don't have any internal corrosion. Do a resistance check end-to-end on the cable. The resistance shouldn't be more than a couple of ohms. The older explorers were prone to that. No corrosion visible on the cables, but a no-start, no turnover condition.

the truck light are working fine when i but the key in the ignition and with the door open, it will start beeping letting me now that the key is in the ignition, only when i crank it over to start the truck everything goes died and stay died until you dis and reconnect the battery cable everthing else start work again except when you try to start the vehicle, I'm going to test the battery then, so you guys don't think i burnt the power relay when i pulled it out?

thanks alot guys!!!
any more suggestion out there!
please reply!!

Even if the battery is too low to start the truck, it can still be powerful enough for locks, lights, radio, etc to work. I would get battery tested, and follow through with JDraper's suggestions.

PCM relay

In general it's never a good idea to disconnect something electrical with power applied.

I agree with previous posts that you may have a weak battery or poor electrical connection or both. A charged battery should read about 12.6 volts without a significant load.

I doubt the PCM relay is the problem. With the battery disconnected you can swap the PCM relay with the fuel pump relay to eliminate the possibility.

The electrical system going dead after attempting to start puzzles me. Seems unlikely but you may have a sticking starter relay that does not de-energize when switching the ignition key from Start to On. Is there a big arc at the battery terminal when you disconnect it?

Do you have anti-theft? On Generation 1 anti-theft can prevent the starter relay from energizing. Anti-theft intervention is a better match for your symptoms.

all set thanks alot guys you guys where right on the money it wasn't the batterybut the battery cable!!
when i was disconnecting the battery i was taking the balack one off before so after reading your posts i went back to the garage to check the voltage which was 12.6 volts then i tried to loosen red cable as but pressure with a wrench the hole thing came apart so that was the problem i had one laying around and the explorer started up!!!!

once again thanks alot guys!!!!!!!!

Glad you got your truck fixed. :)

Very good :)
