Will these tires and wheels fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will these tires and wheels fit?


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September 20, 2015
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2005 Sport Trac
Hey im looking for some advice on some wheels and tires I am looking to get. Im 16 and just got a 05 Sport Trac and was wanting to do some things to it. Would a 285/7516 fit on my truck with 2" torsion keys? if not, then what all might i need to do in order for those tires to fit?

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Yes, they should fit. The offset of your wheel will also affect tire size, but either way you will get some rubbing that can be fixed with a little bit of trimming to the inner fender wells. That said, I think a 265/75-16 would be a better fit for just the 2" lift. If you really want the 285s, (and I don't blame you if you did haha) then adding in a body lift will ensure they clear.

Here's a thread that shows where to trim on Page 6. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=332208&page=6

For reference, here's OffTrac's ST with TT/Shackles and a BL on 265s:


Both of our trucks with the same lift and 35s:


Okay thanks man! anyways, could i ask where and what kind of body lift you got? might as well get the 285/75-16s lol. Go big or go home! Thinking of the Goodyear wrangler tires.

Its Performance Accessories 17733 or something like that. If you go to their website, you can look it up. It's the only body lift made for our trucks.

I found two different lift kits that are close in number but neither for a sport trac model.

I also have a 2005 sport trac and I am also looking to lift mine. The link is for a lift kit for 2001-2002. Does this fit 2005. I dont see how much this costs either?

Do these come with spacers so that there is a wider footprint or are these a different modification?

it does work for the 2005 model. and I found the same thing for a better price than that website. and sorry I don't know the last answer lol

"This kit comes with everything necessary to lift your sport trac. Great directions, quality brackets, and perfect fitting pieces. This kit will also fit the 2005 sport trac perfectly, bumper brackets and all." I found this off of a review from the lift kit above.

Yes, the body lift kit 70023 is for 2001-2005 Sport Trac's, not just '01-02.
