Will this hood fit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will this hood fit


Well-Known Member
April 10, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Anaheim CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT 5.0
I have a 98 explorer what is the difference between my hood and a 97. I found this unlimited products hood that is for the ranger but it says it fits on 95-97 explorer. Why is this? is it a fitment issue or is a issue with the hood latch cause if its a hood latch issue I will just use hood pins.

Do all the 95-01 explorers use the same OEM hood/ same OEM hood dimensions besides the latch.


second link is the companies website confirming that the hood does fit on the 95-97 scroll down to hood number fr-395


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all these views and nobody has any input for me.

IIRC a Ranger hood has a differnt shape than an Explorer. The only difference on 95-97 & 98-Up Explorers/Mountaineers is the hood latch.

All fiberglass hoods require work to fit. That hood is going to need A LOT of work to fit an Explorer.

IIRC a Ranger hood has a differnt shape than an Explorer. The only difference on 95-97 & 98-Up Explorers/Mountaineers is the hood latch.

All fiberglass hoods require work to fit. That hood is going to need A LOT of work to fit an Explorer.

then what the heck is the company talking about that it will fit 95-97 explorers. They should give us some info on how much work went into getting it to fit onto an explorer. I am sure they had to try it if they are advertising it.

Can you give me some insight on what you think will be needed to make it fit

My understanding is that the outline is the same but the curvature along the fenders is different between Ranger and Explorer. I recall one thread about slicing the flange on the hood and reshaping to get the curve to match the fender.
