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Win an ExplorerForum pocket knife!

Sept 10 2006...

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June 24th, 2006 - 6:21PM PST

Does it count if we make enough fake acounts to get to 50,000? :D

Here is the one I bought off eBay.

They are probably similar to this one.


  • knife1.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 179
  • knife2.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 1,315

8-15-06 i'll end up buying one anyways!

June 31, 2006. By the way, don't try to take one of them on an airplane. Those guys will confiscate it! Maybe that is how you got that one on EBay. One of the airport workers probably took it, and sold it on EBay.


just because that is my B-Day :cool:

section525 said:
Here is the one I bought off eBay.

So that's where my knife went! Damn airport security :fire:

:D :D

7/7/06 - I will also be turning 20 that day. Have to go with the birthday.


9-16-2006 why not use my birthday like everyone else. BTW how many members
are there now?


my birthday 07/16/06

Um, 7-29-06? I have no clue

churd69 said:
BTW how many members are there now?



You can check near the bottom of the main forum page or on the right hand side of the portal

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