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Winch mounting


Elite Explorer
April 15, 2002
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1985 BroncoII
If I mount my winch about where it is in the photo, How much will it affect my cooling?
Anyone have pics of winchs mounted on 1 gen. explorer?


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since there isnt a grille, i would seriously doubt it would affect anything....

I removed the grill for installation, I may remove a small portion of the lower grill for clearance.

i still dont thin kit will hurt cooling...

i dont think it will affect anything....But if you have your douts you can go ahead and give my you winch and/or bumper. Come on, you know you want to ;)

You will be fine. Mine blocks around the same amount as yours and I haven't seen a difference on or off the trail.

Here's mine. I even had my license plate zip tied to the grill (until I got pulled over) and still no cooling problems. It only gets to about 103 here on a hot day though ;)


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Thanks everyone, I got my winch mounted and is good to GO, I think it come out pretty good.


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where are you guys getting these bumpers from, they look great

They polly have pipe benders...lucky. If i had a pipe bender i would no longer have a angles rear and front bumper

Note Bumpers are not for jacking or pushing unless you wish to have my bumpers ;)

My bumper is a James Duff product even before I modified/reinforced it for winching duty I was able to lift the front of my explorer off the ground with my hi-lift jack using the very end on the bumper, and I have had my front tires slide off a rock and that bumper took the weight of my explorer when it hit that rock on it with out bending, I am very pleased with it.
