Window Defrost Elements Peeling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Window Defrost Elements Peeling


Elite Explorer
November 13, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Coconut Creek Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer Limited
Wanted to get my windows tinted today. Started a walkthrough and opened the rear hatch. Was a little dark but the tech got a light and we looked at the windows to show me an example of the darkness level of the tints. Upon a closer look we saw the the elements of the rear defroster were different color. got even closer and it appears that the metal itself is falling off the glass itself. No Bueno at all.

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.......... Upon a closer look we saw the the elements of the rear defroster were different color. got even closer and it appears that the metal itself is falling off the glass itself. No Bueno at all.
If that is the case, go back to the dealer.


I did no one seems to be able to tell if it's a bad application or if to was just a protective paint or some sort. So what we are going to do is wait till i have to defrost my rear window and see if it works, spotty or nothing at all. They took pictures to report to ford.

Interesting enough my front window cracked from the very top through the rear view mirror and down the passenger side in full view. Once I noticed that I looked back and noticed the peeling on the rear window. This is a 2021 and it’s been in the shop a total of 4 times and now this. I don’t use any crazy cleaning sprays on the inside. Usually just water a d a damp rag. This just blows my mind why it would peel! Anyone else having the same issue?


Piss poor manufacturing. Glass was most likely not clean enough. Welcome to the new Ford.

Piss poor manufacturing. Glass was most likely not clean enough. Welcome to the new Ford.
You are so very right. There are so many issues with this new one it’s nuts. Especially what you pay for it to have all these issues!

I think maybe it is the covid stuff, I saw a water streak on the inside of the glass where it mates to the rubber seal, just don't really think they took their time at all on these new Explorer models. I have experienced nothing like you all have though. That is a defective installed product from the start

Actually, a second look makes it seem like the element didn’t stick to the epoxy.

I'm having the same issue on the 3rd row side windows. Initially, I thought there was a spider web in the vehicle but no, the heating elements simply peeled off and were hanging loose. I will have the dealer eventually inspect it but since I'm in Florida, this is fortunately not the most important thing for me.

Yeah, this is very poor job. The dealer should be able to replace the glass without any fuss.

Yeah, this is very poor job. The dealer should be able to replace the glass without any fuss.
Just wondering if that is the way they will go or perhaps they will just attempt to reattach it?


Just wondering if that is the way they will go or perhaps they will just attempt to reattach it?

I doubt if they will attempt that work, it is too time consuming for them, they will just replace it under warranty.

Once the surface layer of the grid has either been scratched or in the noted cases above “peeled”, the grid will absolutely NOT work on those damaged lines.

To examine defroster girds:
You need 2 people to do it right. Person 1 is on inside of the vehicle. Person 2 stands on the outside of the vehicle. Person 2 on outside needs to use a good bright flashlight and is to shine the light over each grid line. Pick one line and move slowly over it left to right. If you see any breaks in the line at all (let alone the obvious peeling), those grid lines are damaged. Even if there is a very thin hairline fracture in the line, it won’t work because the line is breached, similar to cutting a wire in half.

There is a Ford defroster repair kit - but it is a tedious process. It’s a small jar with applicator brush and the user has to apply the solution to each broken area of the grid line. Usually best application is to tape off either side of the line - but not everyone has a steady hand taped or not. Once the repair kit is used - there’s no guarantee the “fix” will work. If you were to tint the window, you would definitely see discoloration of those repaired lines in the tint.

The glass should be replaced, especially under the Ford New Car 3/36 Warranty.

Attached GSB G0000179, page 6 outlines that the above issues ARE Warranty items:


  • G0000179 Glass Concerns Analysis.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 206

Interesting to see this thread. I thought it was cobwebs or something, mine have been shedding but the defrost seems to be working ok. Hopefully mine our OK as warranty service over here may be a problem.

Interesting enough my front window cracked from the very top through the rear view mirror and down the passenger side in full view. Once I noticed that I looked back and noticed the peeling on the rear window. This is a 2021 and it’s been in the shop a total of 4 times and now this. I don’t use any crazy cleaning sprays on the inside. Usually just water a d a damp rag. This just blows my mind why it would peel! Anyone else having the same issue?

View attachment 326577
Same is happening to my 2020 Explorer ST but my peeling is far worse. I did not clean with anything.

Interesting enough my front window cracked from the very top through the rear view mirror and down the passenger side in full view. Once I noticed that I looked back and noticed the peeling on the rear window. This is a 2021 and it’s been in the shop a total of 4 times and now this. I don’t use any crazy cleaning sprays on the inside. Usually just water a d a damp rag. This just blows my mind why it would peel! Anyone else having the same issue?

View attachment 326577
Wanted to get my windows tinted today. Started a walkthrough and opened the rear hatch. Was a little dark but the tech got a light and we looked at the windows to show me an example of the darkness level of the tints. Upon a closer look we saw the the elements of the rear defroster were different color. got even closer and it appears that the metal itself is falling off the glass itself. No Bueno at all.
I also found that those wispy heating strips are peeling off the rear glass of my 2020 XLT. Fortunately my dealer didn’t hesitate to get Ford’s approval for warranty replacement. Hoping you get the same treatment. And that on the new glass they’ve fixed whatever caused the problem.

This happened on my rearview glass. I opened the hatch to load up my groceries and saw all these strings hanging down (at first I thought they were spiderwebs). I took it to the dealer last week and they said they'd need to replace the glass. They ordered the part and told me it would arrive in a couple weeks.

Our's is at the dealer to address this same issue.
Update. Dealer is ordering parts but advised it was not warrantable and referenced GSB - 20-7005. Not happy


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So far I have been unable to find out what that GSB - 20-7005 actually states. I've seen it listed a few times but no details. Anyone have any luck?

