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window rain gaurds

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20 view and no answer?
nobody knows out there?:confused:

Well, I know they have them at the Wal-Mart near me. That's where I got the set for '98 EB. Check out you local Salvo, Auto Zone, or whatever is near you. If they carry them but don't have yours chances are that they can order what you need. Good Luck. You'll deffinitely enjoy them I know I do!

(dead link) you can try that one

I got mine from Summit Racing ( they are just 40 minutes from me). I'm sure that they have them to order on their site. I got the AVS ones for about 40 bucks.

Bought mine from Pepboys for around $40


Originally posted by 91 4x4 4door
Bought mine from Pepboys for around $40


yep, just picked mine up there yesterday!! :D

New ventshades installed...

Got my new ventshades from Really turned out nice and installed in less than 30 minutes. Wish I had taken some pics of the other ventshades I had on it (stick-on type) but got These things are smooooth. :D


Also one guy on this board got some from that should be all lower case but you know how to do it. I have autoventshade ones on mine pep boys.

I have found the stick-on type at Auto Zone, O'Reilleys, and Wal Mart. The quick snap type are WeatherTech for most models, and Ventshade for 2002 Models.
Just my luck, I pulled off the stick-on ones and tried out the WeatherTech. I carefully let the window up and all seemed well. I lowered the window again and when I raised it the glass caught the edge of the WeatherTech piece near the rear and cracked a nickle size chunk out! Looks like I am back to the stick-on shades. What an expensive day........

Bottomlesspit, sorry to hear what happened to your new ventshades. I had heard about that problem and carefully filed the edge down on mine to prevent this from happening.

Yeah, I got the Weathertech ones in properly, but the rear edge just did not sit right in the track. The window busted out the piece in the MIDDLE of the rear flange! Looks like someone took a bite out of it.
I installed the Autoventshades brand today. I did not realize they also fit inside the window track...but also use the 3M tape to hold to the felt. The windows get pretty tight going up against the ventshade, but no cracks this time!!! I like their dark tint on my X compared to the light weathertech pieces. Lot's of money to get it right, but I'm happy now!!!
Now the question: Are those suckers with that thin 3M tape going to stay stuck to the felt in the window channel? I hope so. I scrubbed it all down real good.

My rear ventshades had the tape to attach to the felt as well, front ones did not and did not need.

Drawtite, the hitch people, make snap-in visors. What I like about them is that they go all the way down to the bottom of the window at the front. I got a set for my Sport on eBay for $24.95 plus $5.50 shipping. Seller was bsaohio. They also have a website at
They look very good on the truck IMHO.

I have the ones that attach to the felt also and they look great... one little problem though. I have problems when I put my rear windows up. Seems as though they hit the rain guard and won't go up all the way. I have to push the guard out and then put them up. Anyone else have this problem?

Seems that the 3M tape is holding real well!!!
LowdPypes- rear windows are hitting too. I tried about everything but bending, trimming, etc does not help. I've decided to just leave the rear windows up...I don't need them down often anyway. Weak...I know?!
