windscreen washers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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windscreen washers


January 19, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
redditch uk
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer auto
can anyone tell me why windscreen washers not working fuses seem ok rear washers ok ,any advice thanks

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Is there a puddle on the floor? lift the scuttle panel and remove the pipes to the nozzles and test the pump... see if anything comes out


not sure if the stalk is the same as on my 97 ex, but mine will not work unless i push the stalk in then sort of wiggle it a bit, (dam annoying if the lights are on as i end up flashing the lights and indicators lol).
Its the main thing i dont like about the ex, (my model anyway) all the lights and wipers on one stalk.

yep gotta love em lol,but not as much as the people i main beam and indicate all over the place on dark nights lol would like to set the washers up on a seperate switch (i am worried the mot inspector will have trouble with em)

I'd check everything else first, and the switch last.. if the switch is at fault, it's only about 10 quid from a breakers for a new one


Wiper switch

Agreed, the switches are suspect. Easily removed, the screws that hold it to the column are kind of accessible by removing the upper and lower cowling. You'll need a small torq screwdriver/socket. I can now change in 10 mins! However, don't get a switch from the USA, it won't work well it will but it works different things so general confusion. There is also more than one UK variant, so I discovered with a secondhand one. The replacement I had would not work properly until it was reunited with its own GEM module from the same scrap vehicle. Do not be tempted to try and dismantle the switch to repair unless you are more nimble fingered than me. Bits fly everywhere! If I knew what I knew now, I would have ordered it by chassis number from ford

well thats worth knowing thanks will keep that in mind

thanks for your advice i think a new switch might be the answer then.
