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Wiper Cowl


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2001
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City, State
Terryville, Connecticut
Year, Model & Trim Level
02' limited
I was wondering since shadow does not make a wiper cowl for the explorer itself if one for a ranger or other ford would fit on the explorer with little or no customization?

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I have searched high and low for these things, and I cant find any, least I dont recall. If it would work for the Ranger, I'm sure they would have it listed to work for the Explorer. But I think for one side to another the Explorer is wider, but I'm not totally sure.

i agree with grant i was watching some tv show the other day and they said why the bronc ii was a ranger with a shell and a short and narrow base it got dumped for the explorer with a longer wheel base and widder track

Thanks. I know what you mean by searching high and low because i have done the same thing. I wish they would just make one seeing on how many explorers are out there. Well thanks anyway though.

correct me if im wrong, but does the cowl just pop out? i know how to take off the wiper arms but if i remember correctly the think pops out in 2 pieces. have some over spray i want to scrape off.
