Wiring help!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wiring help!!


March 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Fairview, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer
Im looking for a power connection under the hood or on the interior fuse panel that only comes on when the ignition is on and goes off when the ignition goes off. Im installing an HHO system. I have it installed now only problem is i have to turn it on and off every time i get in and out. The instructions tell me to use the ignition fuse but its always hot!!! Please help me. Thanks.

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r1... what are you installing? how much amperage does it draw? Relay required?

I ask all this because there are little fuse adapters that are perfectly fine to use inside the "cab" of the Ex/Monty to tag off 12v KO (Key On) accessories. Like Wipers, stereo, cig lighter/power port etc. Rarely/occasionally used circuits are safe & logical to use for things like a CB radio, power for a Radar detector or Sirius Sat Radio or iPod dock.


plug it in place of say the wiper fuse, insert a fuse not to exceed 25 for BOTH items, insert the wiper fuse as shown, crimp to your wire feed to the accessory... clean up hahve a beer.


it run between 18 and 22 amps. I installed a hydrogen fuel cell

That will have to go to a 30-Amp Circuit (Safety-Factor). Probably better Remotely Switched through its own Fuse/Relay with its Power Feed to the Contacts directly from the Battery.
