Wood trim around front and back doors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wood trim around front and back doors


Well-Known Member
April 27, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Ford Explorer Ltd
Hey guys hows it going

The wood trim that goes around the driver and passenger doors both front and back there starting to come off I tried calling fords but they said they dont sell the wood trim pieces?

Im trying to think what would put them back on good for me so they dont fall off

I was thinking crazy glue but I want something that will make it stick for a long time.

Thanks Boys!:salute:

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jb weld

I had the same issue with the trim on my drivers side door over a year ago. I was worried that I would catch on it one time getting in or out and that would be it either tearing it off completely or breaking it. I used some Gorilla Glue that I happened to have lying around. Squeezed it behind the trim and along the edge very carefully, then pressed it into place and taped it down after making sure any squeeze out was cleaned completely. As I said been over a year now and it is still holding great. Actually had forgotten about it until I read this post.

Hey boys I appreciate all the feedback soon as I got a free moment im going to run to a hardware store and see if I can find gorilla glue or what big rondo said

Thanks again!
