Worst Pain Of My Life!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Worst Pain Of My Life!!!!


Explorer Addict
November 20, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Morgantown, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 4x4 4.0
It was O.C. Training day at the department today, all I can say is............ holy crap this is the worst pain ever.


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Man thats crazy. Ill pass

I have always wanted to feel the tasers...LOL

Heard about it from a few cop friends. Saw your vid. Thanks, I'll pass....and I'll co-operate whenever dealing with the Police. ;)

What kind of OC is that and what percentage? I haven't see that style before.

Just be glad you didn't have to do the obstacle course after getting sprayed like I had to.

And Burns...
You do not want to ride the Bull!

Oh... Hopefully you got it all off of your hands too, because its much worse if you get some on your Hootus!

Im not sure of the brand but I know it was 15%. And this is just the exposure part of the training. We have to do it again with the obstacle course, asp defense, defend agaisnt disarm, and cuffing. That part will be extremely sucky.

We did OC training two weeks ago for the new people in our department. My boss jokingly said I should have to go through it again. I told him I would give up carrying the OC before I willingly got sprayed again.

what is oc spray at first when i saw the video it looked like they were spraying blood at you. so someone tell me what is oc spray

It's Police grade pepper spray. NOT something you want in the face.

Oleoresin Capsicum spray; the proper name for pepper spray. The stuff you find out in town is usually around 5%. Law enforcement and military usually use around 15-20%.


I'll pass on that. No thanks to having a face full of OC....however...if you really are into pain...try getting a kidney stone sometime. Pain so bad you can't even stand up. I've had 2 in my life and they literally knocked me to the ground in pain. Morphine didn't even help....After a kidney stone...any other pain I've had in life is mild....

I'll pass on that. No thanks to having a face full of OC....however...if you really are into pain...try getting a kidney stone sometime. Pain so bad you can't even stand up. I've had 2 in my life and they literally knocked me to the ground in pain. Morphine didn't even help....After a kidney stone...any other pain I've had in life is mild....

Yeah.... we actually had a guy pass out at work one day years ago. The paramedics came and hauled him off. Come to find out, he said he had this excruciating pain in his back, up under his ribs, just before he passed out. The doctor told him he passed a really large kidney stone. I think I would take the OC spray over that any day! :eek:

(By the way, I love spicy food... it just doesn't like me much! hehehe)

You took it pretty well.. I think there is video of Doug in the CS gas room during his basic training. Just wait till taser training :D

k thnx guys i didnt know it was some kind of pepper spray

At least with the taser there is no lingering effect. It took me three days to get rid of the burn from the OC. With the taser the effect is done when the clicking stops! Everyone I know who has been sprayed with OC said "it was worse then I thought it would be" but also agreed that it was tolerable.

I did the CS gas thing years ago when I joined the RAF, it's not pleasant.. I imagine this to be worse...


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Props for taking it like a man Tex. I would have jammed my face in the snow and cried like a little girl. :D
