Xploder starts when it wants!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Xploder starts when it wants!!!!


December 27, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Offutt AFB, NE
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT 5.0 & '92 XLT
Heres the thing! I just bought a '92 Xplorer. It is 4.0 w/ 5 speed. The thing wouldn't start so I replaced the battery. After installing the battery I went to start it only to hear that annoying click sound as if the battery was dead. I then pull started, drive for a while and parked it in the garage. When I got out of the Explorer the truck tried to pull forward, like when turning the key in gear. I got in the truck and it started right up. I have no Idea what is going on here and am really curios what is wrong w/ this thing. Any and all help is appreciated. Also how tough is it to change out the heater core, mine is doing all the signs of a bad core ie.. antifreeze smell, fogging of the windows, and an impressive exterior antifreeze leak. Thanx in advance.

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Could be an ignition switch problem if it wants to start when you're not around. My 'stang had all kinds of problems that were solved by replacing the ignition cylinder.

Or - you may have purchased an ancestor of "CHRISTINE" .... - this truck from Maine? ;)


I had a problem kinda like this. Sometimes I would have absolutly no power anywhere in the car, other times everything would be fine. Sometimes it made the clicking sound too. It ended up being a broken "brain box". I can't remember the real name for the part. Its the solenoid thingy that hooks up to the battery. Its found attached on the passenger side from fender. Replacing this part fixed my problem so maybe you should look into it. Hope I could be of help.

sounds like the external starter solenoid or like a bad terminal connection somewhere

The Heater core is real easy to replace. The heater is in the passenger side, right about were the passengers feet should be. If your replace that, no more foggy windows and no more bad smell!

Okay I don't know all thay much about the workings of an engine and stuff, but I was having the same sort of problem back in July, and it turned out to be bad wires, so they were arcing and not getting enough electric from the battery to the engine so it wouldn't idle, but then it wouldn't always do it. But they replaced the plugs and wires and I haven't had a problem since. Jus thought I would suggest it :)

Your all wrong. There is a simple answer to this. Ghosts. You have ghosts in your car. What you need is not a new computer or ignition switch. You need an exorcist.

David Larson

any information here may or may not be correct.

I was begining to think the same thing, those pesky GHOSTS. lol

was christine driven by a ghost?!? or was christine a ghost???

Bad fuel pump it sounds like to me.

Your car is mad that you refer to it as the Xploder.... Call it an Explorer and you'll be fine. :)


I had the same thing happen to me awhile back. 1st it wouldn't start, so I pop the hood to examine, and the next thing I notice it tries to pull forward. In a panic, I hit the E-brake, remove the key, and realize the starter for some reason is still engaged. With the truck in gear and the E-brake on, the starter is just sitting there and I see the starter wires start to smoke. Freaking out, I grab a wrench and rip the battery terminal off. After taking a breath and re-evaulating the the situation, I decide take it out of gear and replace the battery terminal, this way atleast the engine could turn over freely. Everthing goes good, and it starts fine, but I left the battery terminal loose, just incase.

Now lets think about it. The starter should never engage without the key in the start position, let alone with it out of the ignition, not to mention the clutch safety switch, so that leaves a fault in the starter circuit. I tested the ignition solenoid (on passenger fender) and the signal voltage from the ignition (the small wire that pushes on the side of the solenoid), everthing checked fine. Baffled, I didn't know were to look next, a few days later the starter went out. Replaced the starter and the problem never occured again. The only thing I can figure is the starter mounted solenoid was shorting out causing the starter to engage.

Replace starter and worry about the the heater core later.
