Yeah, it's got a Hemi | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yeah, it's got a Hemi


To the flo...
October 31, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Dimondale, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 GT, '93 Limited
My mom bought one today. A new 2005 Durango Limited 4x4. Flame red. Comments?

We had the '98 Durango since new, so it was getting time. It was still doing okay after 125k miles though.

I took it out for a spin and it's a lot better than the old 318/5.2L. Beats a 4.0L OHV haha. It wastes no time in downshifting and moving itself. It doesn't feel fast and I was astonished to be going 80 mph by the end of the onramp. It's comfy. It doesn't feel as big on the inside as it does on the outside.

Its got some weird stuff to it though. Like it's a "Limited" (stolen from Ford :thumbdwn: ), and it looks like it has chromed wheels, but it doesn't. They're shiny plastic covers. Ehh. Over $36,000, and still simulated chrome wheels. The old one has the larger aluminum wheels that still didn't show any signs of corrosion or peeling.

Its got more gear on board. Well, my '93 Limited has some things the '98 didn't. The new one has the in dash GPS which is cool, cuz I like GPSs. It has sirius (not activated yet). I personally have two XM tuners.

Does this new 5.7L really have hemispherical-shaped combustion chambers? The salesman said it has two spark plugs per cylinder, which is a new concept to me. Hopefully they won't die for the next 100k. It sounds good when you floor it, but otherwise quiet whe cruising at freeway speeds. Not much as far as road, engine, or wind noises.

Interior follows the new trend, with a big dashboard and lots of plastic like my bro's 2004 F150.

Ok, enough rambling :p

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Yea, it is has Hemi-heads but it's not gonna be anywhere near a true 426 ci Hemi. All hemis have a 2 plugs per cylinder.

Nice, like the hemi but the exterior is butt-ugly IMHO I like the look of the older style but its still a real nice suv :thumbsup:

Most modern gasoline engines have somewhat hemispherical heads, Dodge just owns the trademark.

I've heard the new dodge hemis are not true hemis but I'm not sure. 2 spark plugs per cylinder isn't a new concept. Ford 2.3l 4cyls have had 2 plugs per cylinder since the 80s.

I was just looking around on-line and the hemi name is definantly just for branding.. The new hemi has practically no dish to it.

new hemi head..


426 hemi head..


Well, good power, but UGLYYYYYYYYY!

very ugly and bad mileage but mega power

Take a 2nd mortgage out for gasoline for it....they get horrible mileage.

I personally didn't like the looks at first, but since I've past by one in the garage a few times and your mom owns one, you get used to it.

Gas milage as told by the window sticker is 13/18. Not great by today's standards but kind of typical of a V8 in a larger SUV. A 4.0L OHV isn't that much better anyway! And the Hemi is faster.

Thanks to Daimler, Jeeps are going around with Hemis now.

My mom doesn't drive fast and she doesn't tow, so the Hemi is kind of pointless to me. I would have got the 4.7L V8 if it was me, but my parents have money anyway to feed it :p

"I see" about the multiple spark plug thing. The only one I remember is a Yamaha 125cc street legal bike that has two plugs but one wire so you can at least switch. But if one is fouled, wouldn't the other be fouled?

I test drove several before we bought our '01 X. They were averaging about 12-13 mpg. One of the reasons I bought my X was the average of about 18-20mpg I'm getting now.

Durango - Looking more and more like a mini van every year.

Dealer was saying $35,000 was their cost. Is that bs? sure seems like it

My bro did say that you'll never be able to screw the dealer :p

Woo hoo! Recall issued yesterday. Seems the dealer didn't even know about it, or at least didn't mention it. Says it's a possible leak with the gas tank filler neck. My mom is going to call tomorrow and see about it. Maybe it was checked into already.

F14CRAZY said:
My bro did say that you'll never be able to screw the dealer :p

You can screw the dealer, not easy though. My friend, I don't know how, Got a Brand new 04 lightning that was actually sitting in the showroom with a bumper to bumper factory extended warranty back in march 04 for only $27k, where the sticker said about $34k. All I know is the dealer got screwed cause they pay about $30-32k for the lightnings.

Doug said:
I've heard the new dodge hemis are not true hemis but I'm not sure. 2 spark plugs per cylinder isn't a new concept. Ford 2.3l 4cyls have had 2 plugs per cylinder since the 80s.
And the hemi shaped combustion chamber. So, it's a Hemi!

NOTAJP said:
And the hemi shaped combustion chamber. So, it's a Hemi!

What? the 2.3? I'm not suprised, hemi heads aren't some sort of rare thing, alot of vehicles have hemi heads to some degree.

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