Its that time. Im getting some paint. | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Its that time. Im getting some paint.

Well i have been fixing some things lately and it is time for new paint. Its something we are going to do at the house. My dad used to paint for a while and is a all around mech. Its time.

Here is the deal. It has been primer for a year. I sanded it down a few weeks ago for new primer and i have decided to paint the explorer with some color this time. Not gonna spend a lot of money on it. No clear coat or anything. Im not fixing the dents because the min i do and get it all painted i will lay it over on a tree again and have a worse looking spot. From the trim on the doors down are staying black. They will be getting bed liner here in a few weeks. Im also going to do two black stripes down the center of the hood and roof section to do something different. I know someone has a green and white striped explorer so i like it.

This is the prob. I have been wanting orange but im not so sure. Im creating this thread to see what others think. I want the options. I know what i think i would want but i would like to see what others think to.

Here are some current pics.



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I like the black, It gives it that rugged look, which it has no problem pulling off

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Its almost done. As you can see the clear is on. It still needs to be wet sanded and buffed. The entire truck gets this treatment. I still have to finish the rear hatch. I set just enough clear coat and hardner out so i can mix up and clear the rear hatch. The rear hatch needs to have the explorer put on it and then it gets wet sanded and cleared then it dries and i wet sand it again and buff the hatch.

Ok so what do you guys think. How did it turn out to everyone else?





Well, you asked what we think-so sit down-
I like it a lot. That color is perfect-

I still think the rear pillars should match though, ;)

I can do the pillars. That will be so much extra work to green them and then clear them.

Should have the rear pillars powdercoated by JT! but the color does look good
but all joking aside i would keep the rear pillars BLACK!:D

Paint the piece under the front fender where the bumper would normally hide black. The green looks weird there, or unfinished;)

Paint the piece under the front fender where the bumper would normally hide black. The green looks weird there, or unfinished;)

Agreed, or cut the fenders like I did so it's a straight line.

I really like the paint on the truck, looks nice but I think the pillars should be black. It would make the side and back glass look like it wraps around. Looks better with the tires and makes the explorer logo stand out more. JT doesn't know, he can't match his socks with his shorts.

Paint the piece under the front fender where the bumper would normally hide black. The green looks weird there, or unfinished;)

Yes they will be black and so will the pillars. Just have not had the time to really be working on it very much. Been working a lot on trying to get my own business so i have had to make a ton on phone calls and making a few weekend trips to KY to meet the current owners and the land/building.

I am wet sanding and buffing. Ill have my dad do the buffing and during that time ill work on the pillars and under the fenders. :thumbsup:

So no black stripes or is that still to come?

No black stripes. I decided against it. It was just gonna be another big step in the process. I didnt have much time to get the clear on because my dad will be having his other shoulder operated on here soon so i had to get it doing. I have never painted but im going to be doing all the work on the rear hatch.

Just wanted to say that the color and quality looks fantastic!

wow....looks really nice. Turned out good, has the nice showroom shine

Just wanted to say that the color and quality looks fantastic!

Thanks. I can tell you real fast that people who do this for a living are crazy. It was one of the hardest things to do. I mean i would rather do the SAS over than paint it again.

Is it an optical illusion or is the roof caved in a little?

And another vote for matching pillars. :D

Uh no optical illusion it is caved in a little. Cant really explain. I did have to walk on the roof when i stuck it in the pond to get out of it. Plus i did wreck it once but it was a no body damage accident but the front fender.

I think the pillars should be black. It would make the side and back glass look like it wraps around.

Oh, and yes, this is why I like black. The green breaks it up.

You should be able to push the roof back out pretty easily.


  • BurnsPillarBlack.jpg
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  • burnsPillarGreen.jpg
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I think that it will help break up some of the green. I mean i love it but man its green. ha ha

The roof is eany to pust up, it only a single layer with supports:thumbsup:

Oh yeah and you need a black rear! bumper

I just bought a new toy to try to remove my dents:D


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The roof is eany to pust up, it only a single layer with supports:thumbsup:

Oh yeah and you need a black rear! bumper

I just bought a new toy to try to remove my dents:D


Does that do the tack welding and then you pull out the dent? Close?

Yeah im gonna push to roof back out. The headliner is out getting black put on it.

Oh i bought a bumper last year and never have put it on
