Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek

I was torn on the vote but I voted paragon both days. Sorry to those that want it different. I would like to say that I would like to see RC on newyears if paragon is closed. My vote doesnt really matter too much though as I doubtfully will have something to wheel. (unless chris lets me take out the kick *hint hint hint* ) THat would be cold but fun.

ANyway My proposal is this
Paragon newyears eve
partying in the hazleton area that night
(something like wheeling in the area across the street then partying at one of the 2 local houses)
then paragon or RC depeding on whats open. RC isnt too far that we cant make the trip in the morning.

This is the most money saving and keeps us partying places that we can have the most fun.

Again, You may feel free to ignore my vote or ideas as I will be a passanger (gotta ride in morgan if I dont wheel)

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I agree with rookie, but id have to go with pap/rc because I know there are people who want to do RC as well. Also, imhoping we will have a few capable trucks (Me, IZ, Spas) by that time and hoping that we can maybe run a few harder trails at pap then do an easier trail ride later in the day and the next at RC as long as we have the turnout that wants to do that.

And chris, this time is different cause its acually the group that is incharge of the location, not people who prolly didnt attend crozet anyways.

if we do both days at pap.... Id probably run mini skunk the first day (hard stuff) and big skunk the second day

..run a few harder trails at pap then do an easier trail ride later in the day and the next at RC as long as we have the turnout that wants to do that.
Just wondering, how far is RC from PAP?

if we do both days at pap.... Id probably run mini skunk the first day (hard stuff) and big skunk the second day

you are saying you will wheel the original skunk?????

Just wondering, how far is RC from PAP?

About 45 minutes. I don't really care at this point where we are wheeling at.

will Ben have a transfer case in his truck by then?

well i am still waiting to get my work schedule and then i will know what i can do, but i know if it seem like there is going to be the drama from the past runs i would rather sit on my couch at home and do nothing just my opnion

..... but i know if it seem like there is going to be the drama from the past runs i would rather sit on my couch at home and do nothing just my opnion

wheres drama coming from now?

drama? what? theres drama involved in our runs? noooo, theres never any drama!
anywho as skunky said wheres the drama this time? i like the para then RC idea but i really dont care one way or the other as long as we have the run!

as long as shes up to it, yes I will.:thumbsup:

OoOOOoooh, you just gave me all the reason I need to make sure Morgan's painted in time for this run... It'll be a striped Explorer shootout :D :D :D

Jus- ain't gonna be any drama anymore, I hope. But you really do need to make an effort to get off the couch: 20 Years from now you'll be saying "Damn! I spent all that time saving money and now that I have it I don't have anything fun to use it on!" Yours and Jilly's jobs aren't going to fall apart without you two- IMHO I really think y'all deserve a weekend off! Quit usin' that sissy excuse that you gotta work ;)

Iz- Ben's just a retarded :p: He keeps wheeling with broken parts expecting them to hold up. Speaking of, Did you pay BOD for the manual T-case yet so I can pick it up, Ben?

I was thinkin about stripes too, what color were you thinkin linds?

I was thinkin about stripes too, what color were you thinkin linds?

Sorry man, I think you gotta earn your stripes. Kinda like the military

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