F-150 8.8 Swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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F-150 8.8 Swap?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Alright, I had this idea, If I could find a 97+ F-150 rear axle that I could swap out for my 8.8. I know why? (some may see where I'm going with this) Well I was thinking of going full width when I do my SAS, and insted of finding a 9", why could I not find a newer 8.8, that would be pretty close in width I would think, and I could snag my locker and rear cover out of mine sense they are both 31 spline. this would also still give me disc brakes and 5x5.5. and there are literly millions of F-series and Expeditions out there.

What do you guys think? Woulf it work or did I miss a step? :rolleyes:

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I didn't think the F150 8.8s were 31 spline? Might be wrong on that though. And are the newer F150 metric lug spacing equivalent to 5x5.5? I know the 4x4.5 metric worked out to be the same, but did it work out like that with the 5x5.5?

I thought about this before I realized how cheap the 9" axles are. If I had a locker, etc, I would've gone with a new 8.8 too. I think the late 90s would be the one you're looking for, but now sure.

Just looked up some info, Width is dam close! 6.875 inches wider the explorer track. That is lees then a inch off the front track for the D44 out of 78-79.

This seems too easy! :mad: I must be wrong some how, someone would have figured this out by now for sure if it was this easy :rolleyes:

I was wrong earlier on the spline count, it is 31 spline. Looking into the lug pattern now.

It's like 5x134.8 or something.

Yeah I just looked

pre 97 are 5x5.5

97+ is 5x135mm

5.5=139.7mm or we'll say 140mm

so 5mm or less then a 1/4".

I wonder if I could use pre 97 axle shafts thogh to get the 5.5?

Edit: Looks like the older shaft are a little shorter, enough that they may not wotk (up to 3/4") I could have the shafts redrilled and change the patern, which would not be too hard, then I have to drill out the rotors or find some that will work..... :rolleyes:

I thought about this a little more last night, I could ..

A. Double Drill all the wheels, so they will fit bot paterns

B. have the axle shafts, and rotors re drilled

C. pick up a older F150 8.8 pre 97+ and try to bolt on my outer disc brakes, not sure if this will work :rolleyes: This would also be a closer match

I was thinking of going this route once I finally am able to begin working on my SAS again. Mostly because I have already bought a few parts that I had planned on installing in my current 8.8, but decided to wait until I got one from a full size. Then I realised that none of the full sizes ever came with disc brakes. (except for the 97+ which you already know have a different bolt pattern) :rolleyes: After some searching I found this kit from brocograveyard.com .

You could just get adapters like you would if you stayed with the stock 8.8 and wanted the 5x5.5 lug pattern. I have them on mine as do a lot of the guys running the shortened D44 up front.

Oh and yes stay Full width!! :D Just snag pop's truck and trailer when you go "froadin". :thumsbup:

Why all the effort to make a metric 8.8 work? Why not start out with a standard 8.8? Any F150 from about 86 to 96 will have the 8.8 you want and will be bolt-in once you get the spring perches set.

james t said:
Why all the effort to make a metric 8.8 work? Why not start out with a standard 8.8? Any F150 from about 86 to 96 will have the 8.8 you want and will be bolt-in once you get the spring perches set.

I was also thinking then maybe I could move the spring to the outside of the frame like the trucks... :D

Does anyone know what year they started using the VSS in F-series 8.8's? This will be a major factor. :rolleyes:

What do you mean? When the VSS moved to the rear on the Explorers, nothing changed in the physical axle. It was just the sensor.

section525 said:
What do you mean? When the VSS moved to the rear on the Explorers, nothing changed in the physical axle. It was just the sensor.

I understand that, but if your read the rest, I'm thinking of swaping in a full size 8.8 (Bronco -F150) to go full width. But I need to know what year f-series and bronco's went to a VSS in the axle

They had to put a hole there at some time :rolleyes:

It's always been there. It's also the RABS sensor.

section525 said:
It's always been there. It's also the RABS sensor.

AHHHH, that's right :thumbsup: Good call!

Now of I could just figure out if my disc brakes will bolt on to the f-series axle, I see no reason why not :rolleyes:

If the disc brakes off the Ex will bolt onto the pre-97 F-150 axle, you may still have problems with the axle shaft lengths.... I'm not sure that pulling the backing plate alone will get the right spacing WRT the calipers....

Interesting thought though.....

Here's another thought: Aside from the bolt pattern, why not use the 97-up 9.75? If you've got the clearance underneath, it shouldn't be much of a problem.... Spring perches would probably need to be moved, it's much beefier right out of the box, has the ABS sensor on the diff, comes with good-sized discs on it already, aftermarket support is coming around for it (lockers, gears, etc)..... Might be a stronger axle IMHO.

Also, parts are READILY available... The most popular selling F-series in the HISTORY of pickups, and the #1 selling truck for almost 20 years now. :)


Your disc brakes will bolt on to the axle just fine. James T was dead on.

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I may be mistaken, but did they offer discs on the metric 8.8s in the F-150 around '00 or '01? I think the pool truck at my previous job had them... Just can't recall....

