FROADER's 2010 XLT | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The wife and I picked this up last night. We traded in the F-150 for a more practical family car and something that Michelle would be comfortable driving (I drive her 4cyl Camry to work [40mi. one way] every day). The truck was just too big for her. The crazy thing is having a monthly payment of $180/mo is going to save me money (gas, insurance) from owning the F-150 outright.

Bone stock 2010 XLT
black/black & tan
4.0 - (I wanted the v8 but I'm happy with the 6)
Brand new Kumho Adventurers.
3rd row seats

The mods will be on hold for quite a while except I'm going to take the emblems off the back.



Wesley already has more stuff in it than either of us.




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What sucked about the focus, was with just the key, you had 12 seconds to put the key in the ignition and turn to run after you unlocked and open the door. Otherwise the horn and lights would go crazy.Not fun with 2 kids

Another "better idea" like a transfercase-less Explorer :eek: :rolleyes:

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I had the same thing happen and just got the new FOB yesterday. 3.45 shipped and it even had a new battery inside. Fixed now.

Did you wash yours too?

The new fobs came in today, so I tried to program one of them and got the same thing. During the programming it cycled the locks, but nothing after exiting the programming mode. So as a random (maybe this will work) I disconnected the negative cable for 20 seconds, reconnected and tried the fob... It worked.

The new fobs came in today, so I tried to program one of them and got the same thing. During the programming it cycled the locks, but nothing after exiting the programming mode. So as a random (maybe this will work) I disconnected the negative cable for 20 seconds, reconnected and tried the fob... It worked.

Weird. ..but glad it works again. Now you have a spare remote:D

Just found out the front diff is bad. It has been howling and I thought it was u-joints. It was getting louder so I figured it was time to get it looked at and the shop said it was the diff. Thankfully we got the extended warranty so it's covered! I'll find out exactly what it is in the next couple of days.

Thank goodness for the warranty.:chug:


It was the rear diff (still under warranty) which is getting rebuilt/replaced and I should have it back in the next couple of days. The extended warranty also pays for a rental car for a week, so I'm driving a 2013 Focus, which is a pretty nice car. The display says it's getting an AVG of 36mpg for my 80 miles a day to work and back, which is nice.



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It was the rear diff (still under warranty) which is getting rebuilt/replaced and I should have it back in the next couple of days. The extended warranty also pays for a rental car for a week, so I'm driving a 2013 Focus, which is a pretty nice car. The display says it's getting an AVG of 36mpg for my 80 miles a day to work and back, which is nice.


You should try the ST...wicked fun!;)

Got the Explorer back last night. No more gear whine, but now there is a slight vibration... Now I'm guessing u-joints.

The focus was nice, but it needed more caster. I felt like a drunk guy driving down the highway. I can definitely see it being a real fun car if it was faster.

The Explorer is back at the shop (since last Thursday) for the vibration. the trans shop they had replace the rear diff is claiming it's the front wheel bearings or tires. :rolleyes: So now it's at Ford (bought it from CarMax, which was a great experience, but I'm over them right now) getting diagnosed.

As a loaner and not a rental I'm now driving this POS.

It's a 2013 Malibu Hybrid that gets worse mpg than my 2005 Camry, which means it gets worse mpg than just about every year Camry there is... Sad Chevy.


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..Sorry to hear the truck is back in the shop..:(

Hopefully she just threw a wheel weight, or one was knocked off during the repair.If they are the stick on type, this could easily happen if it tapped the brake caliper when they threw em back on.

Appointment set for Saturday at 8:00am:

BTF spacer install. Should be here Thursday.
4 - 265/75/16 Cooper Discoverer AT3s. They have them in stock.
4 wheel alignment. Common sense. :)

Getting excited, just hoping this fixes the vibration though.


Looking forward to pics.

And so it begins...


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