got hit back in july 09 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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got hit back in july 09

yep got hit back in july of 09 yeah its been a while but anyway old lady pulled in front of me i had the green she had the green but not the arrow hit her a 35MPH if it wasent for the brush guard it would have been way worse they totaled her 2002 f150. The worse part of all this is I just put the lift on back in late june and this happend like two weeks later.

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Interesting, usually I would think that the grill guard does more damage to a truck in collisions, since they can push back into the hood/headlights/fenders causing more damage.

Glad to see it held up!

yea im just tryin to find another guard I found one from aries but I really like the pre runner one from dixion bros racing but don't want to spend that much

did they pay for it? that brush guard did a good job. nice lookin x

Yea thanks! I got 2950.00 in pain and suffering and they gave me 4000.00 cuz it was :rolleyes:totaled:rolleyes: I bought it back from the insurance company for 500.00 here are some new pics


Yeah I love the tinted tail lights. They go great with the whole coloring of your truck. Back when I had my sport I was gonna tint the tail lights and get black rims until it was totaled. Im wishing now that I would have done the buy back but they wanted 2500 for it so I wasn't going to have that much to fix it. My mazda is way cheaper for now though. One day I'll have another sport.

Are you going to replace the front bumper as well? Check ebay for the brush guard because I have seen the same ones on there for good prices.

Yea thanks man that is the total look im goin for. Im definitely going to replace the brush gaurd im about to check out ebay.
