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I could really use some advice on switching to 35s

I've got a 98 Sport 4x2 with a 3.27 open rear end. I'd like to trade in my 31s and get some 35s. Since I've got a 4x2, I never really get to play in the dirt.
So can I still get these? How badly will it hurt the Ex's performance? I get 20 mpg in mostly city driving right now.....
Thanks in advance,

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Anyone know of a place in NC that regears inexpensively?

yeah, i'm wondering how much it costs to re-gear, i just put on these 31's and it seems like i get really crappy millage. i usually do all my mods by myself but i may hand this 1 over to a shop. is it very hard to do in the garage? and how much would that cost? also i go off road quite a bit and i'm sure i shouldn't be running my stock gears with those tires in those conditions.

i had 3.27 w 31" swampers and hated it....35's would be killer, enjoy starting on hills...4.88's for 35's like stated before...that would be snazzy:D

4.88 agreed, regear the rear diff before you upgrade to the big meats, or you will kill the rest of the truck (transmission or clutch mainly)

For a 2wd you can expect to pay under $1000 to regear one diff ($500-900 depending) well worth it and required for 35's IMO. You will likely want to service/ overhaul the drum brakes while you are in there and if it was me I would grab a 31 spline ford 8.8 factory limited slip and have it rebuilt, use the LS carrier when you install the new 4.88 gears.

Stay away from el cheapo parts too, I personally have had good luck with Precision, Yukon, Ford and a few other gear makers but I have heard bad things about some of the others...

I am getting ready to replace the transmission in a 90 Jeep because the kid ran 35 MT's with factory 3.55 gearing and an automatic, I give it props the Auto 4 or whatever its called held up for 250K miles
Heat = kills transmission
big meat without gearing will take your engine and transmission gearing out of their powerband, the cooling system struggles, everything lags and dogs and it really takes a toll on your vehicle, not to mention the 8 mpg you will get when driving around town, and I hope you dont plan to pass anyone or get up any hills with 3.27 and 35's hahahaha

4.56 if your all highway, 4.88 is perfect for 35's, and 5.13 wouldbe wicked if you dont mind going slower on the street but faster on the trail (yes even 2wd can wheel a bit)

I recently went from 31s to 35s. I will be gearing in two weeks but in the meantime I just drive like a grandma. It truly feels like my car has an anchor dragging behind it. If you have the resources I would recommend regearing before you buy tires. I was quoted anywhere between $300 and $600 per axle but I am tackling the job with the help of some mechanics I know.

I have 3.73 gears and my mileage only changed slightly (from 14ish to 12ish) but my speedometer is off by 5 mph ):

I have 3.73 gears and my mileage only changed slightly (from 14ish to 12ish) but my speedometer is off by 5 mph ):
You're actually getting much worse than that. Your odometer is off as well, so it doesn't show the right mileage.

You're actually getting much worse than that. Your odometer is off as well, so it doesn't show the right mileage.

Damit, :banghead:, I knew it was too good to be true. I guess I need a need a new speedo gear now :rolleyes:

regear first, I have 31's and 3.27 and it is pretty bad, especially because there is a lot of hills and steep grades in my area.

3.27s and 35s would be garbage

Where is Carolina Rock Shop located at, ive heard of it before but never known where it is

its in Charlotte

thanks man, i was plannin on making a trip down there, but i may end up hitting the junk yards and finding a limited slip 3.73 rear end for my X

Andy has a rack full of 8.8s too. All different ratios, LS, etc. Call him if you cant find one in the yards.

Looks like you have some good info. I would also say 4.88. I have 36 and i like my 4.88s. Good luck

now, this is a point my buddy brought up, what do i need to do to the front end after putting a lower rear end? I think i will give Carolina a call if i cant find anything, thanks for the tip

if its a 4wd you have to gear both ends. If its a 2wd you dont have to do anyhting to the front since there is no diff up there.

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4wd, ive been asking around for best thing with the front diff, pay to regear it or, if possible, get a lower gear from another x, i havnt really done my homework on fords, being i spend time turnin wrenches as a deisel mechanic

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