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Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing

Ill start the show with my pic-



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65mph just seems like a good way to get on TV tonight.

To quote exploderpilot from truck haven. "That's how you end up on youtube" :D

Drive safe!

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"That's how you end up on youtube"

Yeah youtube is one thing, saying stuff like....

Nice "loads" guys

may get in jail, and on a totally different set of websites that we will not discuss here :rolleyes:

Here's the X parked at work.. I picked up some block on the way to work this morning to take home.. I don't think I'm taking the freeway home.. I don't want to be on the news..

Turns out block is 39lbs each.. not 29lb each.. thats a pallet of 90 on there.. you do the math..


If I was towing that, I'd want the pallet ~1' forward, more tongue weight. I am a big fan of tongue weight, too little and you get mega sway with heavy loads.

I had the forklift guy push the pallet forward until the back of the truck dropped about about 3". I figured that was enough tongue weight. I have OME-36 springs... which have an inverse arched overload. In other words, the overload doesn't even touch the main spring (might as well not be there)..

The trailer's suspension dropped at least 3" or so also with that weight (normally the trailer sits the same height at the truck).

It towed great. its 35 miles or so from work to the house.. top speed was 55mph (stayed on surface streets). It towed straight and true.. I was really suprised..

It was 85F out and the trans pan temp averaged 160-170 through town. It peaked at 175 once when I went from a stop to 55mph. When ever I got a chance I'd lock the converter (I can manually lock it in any gear except 1st) and 3rd gear with the converter locked... 2000 rpms was about 45.


I have OME-36 springs... which have an inverse arched overload. In other words, the overload doesn't even touch the main spring (might as well not be there)..

Same reason the About above pictured Mounty dropped so bad with a load on it. the OME springs are not the best for towing.

ok heres my ex.

the trailer is a custom built giant. the thing weighs a ton...the bed itself is a air tight chamber with a air fitting in the front. i will be towing a couple of cars this weekend. ill post pics later


heres the reciever

this is what jumping the dirt mounds on logging roads does to a 20+ year old front axle


same spot, different occasion


This isn't mine, but I saw this while driving the other day and thought about this thread. This was being towed on the freeway. I tried to get a better picture, but while I was passing them I accidentally pressed the "zoom in" button on my phone instead of the "capture" so I didn't get the picture until I was along side him.

Edit: Is this a member of the forum? Those taillights seem familiar

no heavy towing for me; although I do have plenty of torque....



Here is mine.



And now the hitch after lifting.:rolleyes:

...:eek:...I just seen this....Ramius, Nice X...:thumbsup:

i wish i had more pics of all the trailers that i have towed with the x, too many cars to the junk yard

Here's my tow. Yes it's just a wee bit over the rated limit LOL. I don't pull it over 50~55 mph.


  • SeaRay.jpg
    72.5 KB · Views: 7,262

Here's my tow. Yes it's just a wee bit over the rated limit LOL. I don't pull it over 50~55 mph.

geeezus! is that how you get over the large rivers witht the ex? put the boat in and pull onto it?

OMG!!! Gerald... That Poor Explorer after all you put it thru wheeling you tow that Monster with it too?

Yep that's what my Explorer does on its day off. LOL

I ordered a 10" drop for my explorer today. Got the bumper put on and just needed the insert. Just hapeens it needs to be huge

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