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Project Resurrection.

Well I figure I'd start a thread of this. I'm really not sure where this will go....:rolleyes:

So I picked up Keepers 2000 Explorer Sport, with plans to make into a fun toy to wheel. However after getting it home I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts.:rolleyes: It's in pretty bad shape. Much worse then I expected:(

The whole driver side is toast, and I'm not even sure it can be pushed out enough to be even close to what it was. There is a good 1 1/2" gap between the door jam, where the quarter panel stretched inward. Looks like the front end A-arm may be bent, and the rear axle may be gone too. Everything shifted back there in the accident, and looks like the axle or a shaft is bent. :(

So at this point it's really going to come down to what the frame looks like. I have to do some measurements to see if it's square, or even close. If the Frame is ok, we will probably go on with the project , just may go a different direction. Less body, more tube. If I can come up with the money I'm thinking F-Toy Cage:D However if the frame is toast, there really is no point in going on, there is just way to much damage. At that point the only thing salvageable (besides small parts) is the drive train. Which does run and drive good:thumbsup:

Our plan was to drive it home you can see that didn't happen:( the rear axle was causing the wheel to wobble so bad we knew we would never make it the 45 miles home. We originally thought it was the wheel, as it was cracked. But after swapping the spare on, it had no effect. :thumbdwn:


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This is your contribution to the group spare truck right? :)

So far Zukman and I have donated to the project...So it's more like our spare truck at this point..:p:

Just secured these:D Pick up next weekend.;)



Aw no D50 TTB :(

:thumbsup::thumbsup: for the 60's tho :D

Well I thought zukman would put these up by now....:rolleyes:

So I'll help him out. He picked up some bling last week for the project.:D


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Went up the coast a bit and picked up a pair of.... TONS!:D

and then rolled down PCH.

Last pic is with one of the new wheels.;)


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Very nice...get some Line-X in that poor Ford:p:

On the look out for another set of Meats...after some thoughts, the Boggers just weren't right for this project. So we'll see what we find.;) Stay Tuned!

What size are the wheels?

The new ones are 16.5's but we're not locked into them. We got them at a good price , so flipping them is no biggie if we need to. We bought them while in the process of buying these axles and but before we decided to dump the old tires. :banghead: I want to go to 17's or something down the road anyway. Wheels are super easy to come by for these axles:p:

40ish... 38-42 I guess. Maybe some TSL, IROK's . Maybe some old 40" MTR's, 39" BFG Krawlers... Something like that. Don't need to be new but gotta have something to work with.

I found some 41" Irok's pretty cheap($600), but I'll go broke trying to find 20"s to fit them:(


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