RCD RANGER 4" coilover kit for "4x4" !! | Page 26 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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RCD RANGER 4" coilover kit for "4x4" !!

I went with the Superlift. It was about $1250 with everything but the rear springs...bought through Summit Racing.

If you enjoyed that pic of my daughter's quad, check these out. For the record, that pic was Photoshopped!
Haley's Quad
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the kit sounds really tight, we just got done installing a new long arm v-link rear lift from Full Traction on my buddies TJ, we got the first one in production, that kit goes for about $3000 but being that were gettin into the Neuroc and Erock circuits, it will pay off, as for my SFA, I wouldnt give it up for anything, I love to follow the big dawgs and watch the jeepers eyes bug out when I do everything they do..... its a great feeling!!! I have so much flex with the front end, and when Im climbing, its great to watch that axle flex over the rocks.

I wish you the best of luck with the lift, as I said, it looks really tight and I cant wait to see it on some Explorers soon, and see how it performs.

Ok guys...I need your opinions.

I have the Explorer 4" Superlift ($1250) sitting in my dining room. I got a price of $1878 shipped to my door for the Ranger RCD lift. Do I send the Superlift back and order the RCD?

If I don't have to modify my driveshafts, then the money difference is definitely worth it. Problem is I have a Sport and I kinda doubt that my stock shafts will work.

I was going to replace my torsion bar adjusters at about $45 each...so add that $100 to the difference since I wouldn't need them for the RCD.

Anybody have a good solid opinion on whether this Ranger kit will work on my Explorer Sport? I am willing to spend the extra money, but if I have to get new shafts, etc. then that "extra" would be more and more! If I could get stock shafts from a 4 door Ex, it's possible they may work. Just some thoughts.

$1878 RCD
-1250 Superlift
-100 for TB adjusters I wouldn't need
-200 Est. for driveshaft mods.
328 Difference to get the RCD

that makes sense. there should be no difference in length from the transfer case to the front differential. with the sports, only the rear driveshaft is shorter than the 4-doors and it seems like it is recommended to lengthen them.

so either way, your going to have to think about your rear driveshaft, unless you can use this mystery driveshaft 'trick' in the rear as well.

looks like you would be saving money on both the front driveshaft and the t-bars at least.

dont forget about the superlift shock problem as well. a lot of people had this problem. your paying $300+ to get rid of your t-bars, and get some coilovers. sounds good to me.

but then again, who knows what kind of money you have to fork out to make it fit if it doesn't.

There is really no comaparison. You get to dump your torsion bars for coilovers. Go for it. I'll hopefully be ordering the kit soon... (spouse approval pending :( )

Can we get a copy of the installation instructions or is there a link to the Off-road article anywhere?

I am mainly interested in the welding that needs done.

ditto. im seriously considering buying this kit, i would like to see the instructions first as well.

Ummm, yeah probably... I'll tell you guys what. Our marketing dept. doesn't have the instructions yet for the kit. They will by the end of this week!!! I'm the one that will hand them over since I did them. (this is my first time ever on instructions from scratch so I'm praying they make sense, we all think they do but then again we know how to install the kit!!!) Call RCD and see if you can get a copy of them. Just let them know you're interested in the kit and wonder if it's something you can install. If they won't do it, don't tell them, but post here and I'll see what I can do about getting them to you guys. It'll be outta my pocket but I dobt postage will break my savings!!!

Only welding is on the shock tower supports.

I don't think the driveshaft trick will work on the rear. I don't remember cause it's been awhile but does the shaft where it bolts the transfer case look the same on front and rear shafts?

no it doesn't. the front driveshaft has a CV joint at the transfer case. the rear driveshaft has a U-joint. anyway, the diameters of the shafts are much different.

haha, using my newly elite skills and access to a digital camera:


  • driveshafts.jpg
    60.9 KB · Views: 339

Yeah, our piece definately won't work on the rear driveshaft after reading that and seeing that photo.

on a side note, I too am learning to play with the digital, I'm trying to post photos online and it's confusing but I think I just got it figured out!!!

so your 'piece' is a spacer that goes between the front driveshaft cv joint and the transfer case?

yeah, it's just a machined piece that you slip into the joint and it allows some extra clearance from the boot. At the angles that the kits force the shaft to it rubs on the boot and destorys it.

Can this spacer be purchased seperately?

Mention to your boss that he can make money off of people that bought other lifts, too! Assuming that it is much cheaper than getting the driveshaft modified.

By the way, I did the SOA and I just couldn't wait...little by little the Superlift found it's way onto the truck.

I had my brother (a mechanic) to help and he brought his air tools and the lift was sitting there and I hate the torsion twist and I'm sorry sirhk100 but I just couldn't help myself! :(

I'm sure the RCD lift has way better workmanship. I wasn't very impressed with the Superlift's pieces. The new steering knuckles are nice, but the other pieces could've been better.

No hard feelings on buying a competitors, it's a free market. Ummm, I'm not sure if it's been discussed about selling just the spacer. I'll run that by the marketing guys and the designer to see if they think it would aleviate the competitors problems. Mascman, did you buy the superlift driveshaft? How's the truck look? Let's see some photos!!! What color are the parts? Yellow or black?

Oh, and yeah, this spacer is pocket change compared to the driveshaft...

mascman, where are the pics?

Mascman, I don't know when you installed it, but I saw you pass the Fruit Market the other day, And it looks awsome. Looks way better with the new wheels!

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i need pics right now! sounds like some wallpaper material.
