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School me on the PSD


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
So I might have a chance to sell my halfton chevy and then be able to pick something else to replace it. I do not have the money to buy new and I also do not like the new trucks that are out there any way. What is there to look out for and what should I avoid.

What i need is a crewcab long bed for sure. I am looking at 7.3 PSD's. I believe it is 99-03 they were in the superdutys. I would like 4wd and a manual but they are up for debate. AC in required but much after that I can deal with as well. I would prefer somthing that is not lifted but if it is I could hopefully round up a stock setup to put back on it.

Kbb lists my chevy as worth between 10-11k. If i toss few extra bills in I can probably have around 12-13k to play with. What are the chances of getting a decent truck in that price range.

This is the first one I saw that could work. I would want to pull the lift though.

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good choice on the 7.3 if you want reliable. The auto tranny is a common failure on the 7.3s but if you can find the manual you will avoid that problem.

Tdavis has a workhorse that he searched high and low to find, I know 90Ranajo has a good setup like you mention and DiffWackDaddy has a 7.3 that just recently got a transmission.

Mine....well it's sat in the shop like all the other 6.0s

I can run an auction report on any year model and trim package to give you what prices they are selling at auction. Typically retail is 2-4K above that however I have bought my last 11 vehicles at or below auction price.

That truck looks good but damn, I can't believe the bath these powerstrokes are taking in the auction.


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I searched for about 8 months looking for a truck just like mine but an '03 7.3L. They're getting harder and harder to find with less than 100k miles.

My buddy who works down in SD was finding '05/'06s with 20k miles on them for $22k ish. You can definitely get a lot more truck for the money right now. :)

I'm not a fan of any PSD but if you do get one, the 7.3 is the way to go.

section there is 04 f350 powerstroke turbo diesel for sale like 2 blocks from where i am at.

And it has 68K miles on it

It took me FOREVER to find mine, and when I did, I jumped at it.

1 more payment to go, and it's all MINE! :D

what do u think should i get the 04 powerstroke with 68K miles on it. They are asking 15,500 for it

I'm not a fan of any PSD but if you do get one, the 7.3 is the way to go.

I would rather get a cummmins but I need a long bed and a real crewcrab if I am going to get a different truck. Dodge never offered a real crewcab with a long bed.

No way I would buy an 04 that will have a 6.0 in it.

What do you mean by real crew cab? The 03 and up Rams come in long bed with 4 full doors.

Dodge did the 4 doors which is a little bigger then an extracab but not as big as the ford or chevy crew cabs. Then they went to the mega cab which is huge but you can't get a long bed with it.

Hey why are you guys so worried about "cabs" when you can have a "van" ;). If you need to haul anything, just get a trailer (buy or rent from U-haul)

My neighbor has an E450 version of yours for sale.

My neighbor has an E450 version of yours for sale.
Hey dont tell me, tell your wife. Tell her that you plan to have ten kids and that Town and Country she had in mind just aint gonna cut it. :)

Hey dont tell me, tell your wife. Tell her that you plan to have ten kids and that Town and Country she had in mind just aint gonna cut it. :)

Oh hell no! She'll get a 7.3L Excursion before either one of those.

Matt there was a '99 4x4 CC PSD Dulley in black out front for sale. Looked almost like my mom's old truck, black and everything. I think they were asking $9600, but don't know anything about it. I'll keep a eye out;)

Here you go;)

'99 F250 PSD Auto 4x4 CC $9k

If you don't mind going to kentucky:rolleyes:

'00 F250 PSD 6-Speed CC but short bed $11k

Here she is ;) In Denver

'99 F250 PSD 6-Speed 4x4 CC Long Bed few dents, no tailgate 200k miles $8k

Oh i see what your saying. I have a 4 door dodge and ya i noticed the doors are a little smaller. The PSD do have alot more seat room and you can find one alot cheaper. The cummins are still high.

Kbb lists my chevy as worth between 10-11k. If i toss few extra bills in I can probably have around 12-13k to play with. What are the chances of getting a decent truck in that price range.

Your dollars will go farther looking in TX. You can likely come out ahead even with a plane ticket and driving back.

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^ Who's that guy? Havn't seen him in awhile! :confused::p:
