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Section525 - SAS D44 - Page 2 (Finishing... maybe)

The other thread was a little too long and a little too old. :( So this is where you can keep up and give great input and advice so we can all get this project out on the trail as soon as humanly possible. :)

So today I had some time and motivation to get out into the shop. Here is what was accomplished.


Bend up some new taller hoops. These will give me more room to grow. They'll also allow my new bling Ballistic Fab shock tabs to angle down giving tons of clearance to the shocks. I also have some BF lower shock mounts which weld to the c's. They're an inch or so higher than my current mounts.


The Pro-Tools notcher. Super bad. Now I keep my retarded cut-off wheel notches out of the build. :confused:


Way better notch than I could ever do.


Pretty high. Looks like I'll have to have a yard sale to get rid of the items that used to be there.


Hugh hoops! It'll all make sense when you see the other side. I'm clearing my FJ60 steering box over there.


Tabs and shock in. Lookin' good.


Both sides. It's as done as it's ever been! :p:


And this is where I left off. I cut the engine brace shorter than I wanted to. I'm a total newb at this bending stuff. So I'll have to wait until Monday at the earliest to pick up some more 1.5".

But I do have about 30' of 1.75" laying around. We'll see what the motivation level is like tomorrow. Maybe I'll start some bumpers! :D

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...Sorry...:(...I had even read post 48 and it didn't even register...:confused:

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Those portabands are cool, I bought a plate from a vendor on Pirate where you can turn it into a vertical band saw using your vice. Now I just need to buy a portaband:rolleyes:

Nice job on the hoopage:cool:

Those portabands are cool, I bought a plate from a vendor on Pirate where you can turn it into a vertical band saw using your vice. Now I just need to buy a portaband:rolleyes:

Nice job on the hoopage:cool:

That might be worth getting. I was looking at the Milwaukee unit that converts it into a normal bandsaw (like the HF 4x6 I have), but they want almost as much as the saw costs. :rolleyes: But yeah, we use the piss out of the saws at work, so I had to get one for home.

Those portabands are cool, I bought a plate from a vendor on Pirate where you can turn it into a vertical band saw using your vice. Now I just need to buy a portaband:rolleyes:

Nice job on the hoopage:cool:

I want a portaband with plate too.

I ordered one today. The guy is in Oregon so it should be here by Friday. :cool:

Took it out to a little OHV park in town to check clearances and all that. Everything looked great.





Short boring video


Does this mean your gonna come to T'haven in Oct?

Must be a photshopped....He dosn't wheel!:p:

It's real! :p: Looks like I'm heading back home tomorrow, which means the compressor might be in by the weekend. :cool: Bring on the snow.

I'll lay odds his excuse for not going to truckhaven in Oct will be..

section525 said:
I lost the license plate on the truck, since I didn't secure it properly. I don't want to risk getting a ticket...

My new SECT525 plates are at the DMV. Need a smog before I can pick
them up. :(. Otherwise it's $30 on top of the $30 I just paid when I ordered them. Hopefully smogging today. Then I'll ziptie the piss out of the new ones. :p:

After accidently going to the Smog Nazis (they questioned my headers, cam, and even called my cats illegal [stock :rolleyes: ]) I actually passed! :cool: Since I was feeling so ambitious I took it over to the uncle's shop for a quick alignment.

New plates tomorrow. :thumbsup:


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Almost sounds like you live in another country. The explorer needed emissions this past year too and i brought it in still all muddy and loud as hell with the glass packs. they just plug in to the OBD-II port and call it a day in Illinois. Your smog guys need to get off their power trip.

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Any plans for a rear bumper? It seems like you'd get a ticket for not having one and not having tag lights.
