Stic-o's Cage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o's Cage


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well has some of you know we had a so-cal cage party not to long ago, and now I finally finnished mine:D Here is the results







The rear floor will get rhino lined, and we are working on a new cargo pannel idea, sence mine were lost in a mishap involving flames:rolleyes:

Cage is made from B & C pillers 1 3/4" tube , everthing else exsept the dash cross brace is 1 1/2" tube. Dash brace is 1 1/4' tube.

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I'm so jealous of the rigs on this site.

Awesome, as always. :chug:

that looks real good. nice work! wish i had the money right now for a cage!
about how many feet of tube did you use?

What a good lookin' cage, and great choice on painting it red to highlight it. :thumbsup:

Holy firefighter!

Cage looks good too :D

Nice cage. Some thing to think about now that mines not a daily driver any more... I've always wanted to get rid of the carpet in the back and just rhino line it too. Looks good.

Sprayed the cargo area last night, It's still not dry and it needs another coat . I also taped of the E-track so the holes will still have the white for easy to see at night;)


looks real good! im super jealouse of your truck!

that looks great. i've been seriously considering ripping out the carpet in the back for a couple of months now and herc/rhino lining it its just easier than having to worry about stains and such.

Looks awesome, you guys did a great job.

how did you tie it in on the bottom? do you have any pictures of it?

Looks great Steve!!! I hope you never use it!!!;)

I like the way the tubing runs through the info center on the ceiling. Great job.

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Steve.. do you remember how many feet of tubing you used? Roughly.
