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Stic-o's F-150 Supercrew

Only if your giving it away!:p:

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So I forgot to tell you all, some goof side swiped the driver side fender last week while it was parked at work:rolleyes:

Luckily they were nice enough to leave a note. Any way just got a quote from the body shop $926 :eek:

...Take the money and start modding that thing...Get it ready for the Truckhaven Tow Rig Run...:D



Let see I could....

A. pay some bills
B. Replace the broken windshield
C. Buy a New Stereo
D. Get a Welder
E. Pay off the new fancy HD Video Cam I just bought:D (that's for another thread)


So After towing down to T-haven and found some interesting number using the EDGE programmer.

On Level 2 with Regular I get 12mpg Towing
On Level 3 With Premium I get 14mpg Towing

I'll have to think about if the extra .20 cents a gal is worth 2 mpg :(

So it's a wash either way you look at it huh. That sucks about your brake rotor, good thing it held together til you got home.

I thought somewhere in the edge manual it said not to tow on level 3? and it also says you should get better results with premium on level 2.

I thought somewhere in the edge manual it said not to tow on level 3? and it also says you should get better results with premium on level 2.

Don't remember that, but it is awesome to tow on Level 3:thumbsup: Blow past all the diesel's 1 ton's on hills:D

That sucks about your brake rotor, good thing it held together til you got home.

Your telling me, the wife asked "what if we didn't fix it now?" I said "most likely we'll lose the wheel + rotor doing 65 on the highway" :eek: Glad that didn't happen on the way home, could have lost both rigs over something like that. Good news is I kept that last set of rotors for spares. I should be able to swap rotor out or maybe swap just the bearings out.

After spending much of last weekend replacing Ball joint's, I desided I need to change something...

The nice Fed Ex man brought a box for me today:D


Made another addition today. Added a new Stereo. :thumbsup:

Got a little jealous of the wife driving around her Ex with her Bluetooth Stereo, so I got decided get one me one. With my truck sitting outside all the time, one with a video screen wasn't a option, or least not if I wanted it to stay in the truck.:( So did some research and picked up this Clarion CX501 for 2 bills:D

* In-dash AM/FM, CD, MP3, WMA player with Remote
* Built-in Bluetooth technology for hands-free talking and audio streaming
* 728 Color Variable Lighting Display and Buttons
* HD,SIRUS,and IPOD Ready
*Front Pannel 3.5mm jack and USB
* Power Output:
Peak: 50 watts x 4 channels
RMS: 21 watts x 4 channels

#1 cool thing? I can stream Pandora over the Bluetooth :biggthump


I'm guessing we're starting a new club here :( "the tow rig got hit club"

Got rear ended in the 150 today going to work, by Ford Econline. Pretty sore, took out the rear bumper and dented the tailgate, receiver hitch folded the Vans front bumper like a taco though. :p:

sorry to hear about the accident. Glad you're ok. How do youl like the air ride helpers?

Truck goes into get fixed tomorrow. Unfortunately JP is sitting on jack stands right now:( So leaves us down to 1 car for a few days.

As far as the air ride. I love it, rides a bit stiffer on the street, but make it so much nicer to drive when towing. Levels it all out even towing plus a bed full of fire wood.:thumbsup:

That sucks Steve...must be something in the air:rolleyes:

So Update here, I should get my truck back next week. The Damage doesn't look so bad from the picture but this is the finally tally from the body shop...

Bent Rear bumper
Bent Hitch
Both rear frame rails bent after the axle
Bed floor buckled at passenger side body mount
Dented Tailgate
Dented quarter panel from bumper hitting.

I'm having them upgrade the hitch to a class IV with the replacement.


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I now officially own it!:D Pink slip on it's way!:thumbsup:

So now the tow rig and the rig are paid for. Very good feeling;)

I now officially own it!:D Pink slip on it's way!:thumbsup:

So now the tow rig and the rig are paid for. Very good feeling;)

Congrats:smoke: got 3 months to go on the GMC.

...Time to get out the grinder ...You know you want to...:D

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