Tow Hook Installation Instructions (Warning: 8 Images to download) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tow Hook Installation Instructions (Warning: 8 Images to download)


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October 12, 1999
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Back when I searched for a post on tow hook installation, I couldn't find one that was start to finish. Therefore, I took photos and measurements from my installation yesterday for all 1995-1997 Explorer owners to follow.

First, I put the Explorer on ramps so that it made getting under the front end easier.

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I removed the lower plastic air flow director that usually sits in the opening between the fog lights. Next I removed the bumper assembly. The bolt size for the bumper is 18mm. There are four bolts that must be removed. Make sure you note the bumper's position (centered, as well as UP) since there are no holes. Rather, Ford used slots that allow the bumper to be positioned left, right, up, and down.

Next, a rear pilot hole (1/8th) and then a 3/4 inch hole were drilled about three inches in front of the stock frame oval. The front hole was drilled using the hook's predrilled holes. I was unable to use the oval hole since it caused the hooks to interfere with the bumper.

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At a junk yard I picked up a small steel plate that I used as a spacer to make the hooks lower and easier to access (The plates were cut to about 1"x3", sanded, primed, and three coats of black paint were put on. However, you can't see them so it was all for protection and to prevent rust). Each hook had two plate spacers, for a total of 3/4 inch spacing. The hook was then attached by taping the lock nut to the wrench, fishing it in the holes in the front of the frame, and fastening it. Each nut was tightened a little by little to allow both the front and rear to go on evenly.

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The same process was repeated for the other side of the frame, so I don't think it needs to be written step by step. The final result is below, and if I may say, looks pretty damn good. This is how the Explorer should have come from Ford.

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Nice Job!

Thanks for the pics! I've had a pair of hooks sitting in a drawer for a year now. Time to get busy!

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Above is my 1997 Ford Explorer Sport with front tow hooks.
I had to drill 2 holes in the frame, and insert 2 steel threaded plates into the front opening of the frame so that I have something to thread into since there is not enough room to get a socket or a wrench into the frame to hold the Nut. Yes, I had to remove the bumper so I could be able to insert the steel threaded plates into the frame. The Tow hooks do not stick out at all, and they are accessible from the front air dam.

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Yes time to get busy!! Thanks for the great pics

Chris (CBoug), I must give you credit as I kept in mind your photos that I saw way back when installing mine. My hooks are a little more noticeable from the front, but I kind of like it that way... They look like fangs :)

Yeah they do look like fangs, they adon't stick out as far as i would have liked them to but hey, They work and thats all that counts!

Originally posted by CBoug76
Yeah they do look like fangs, they adon't stick out as far as i would have liked them to but hey, They work and thats all that counts!
Where can i get front tow hooks>?

goto the service department of a chevy dealership and say you are buying them for your friends silverado

Originally posted by ok89
goto the service department of a chevy dealership and say you are buying them for your friends silverado

how much do they cost?

i think that they are 20 dollars for a pair but im not positive


any ideas for the rear tow hooks?



Re: ok

Originally posted by ExplorerEB96
any ideas for the rear tow hooks?



If you have a hitch (didn't see one in your pix though) you can buy a hitch insert with a hook. If not, you can bolt a couple of hooks on the bottom of the bumper on either side of the hole for the hitch ball (bumper is rated at 3500lbs). Since some people might not want to drill holes in their rear bumper to mount tow hooks, another solution would be to go down to the local tractor supply store and buy a tow ring with the right size pin to drop into the hole where the ball would go. They are rated well above the bumper rating, and you don't have to alter the truck one bit.

P.S. I just put front hooks on mine using the pushbar mounting brackets since my bumper doesn't allow access to the frame. Once I get pix, I'll post 'em.

Originally posted by SCEXPLORER

Where can i get front tow hooks>?

If you want to get tow hooks like mine, then you can go to just about any auto parts store and get them. But if you want to get the Black, flat ones, theny ou have to go to the Chevy Dealer.

NEVER! and I Mean NEVER just put a ball on the bumper, and wrap a chain around it! This is Very Dangerous! First of all go and get yourself a Recovery/Tow Strap with NO hooks on it. Then get some more tow hooks or get a reciever hitch and get a tow shackle(WARN makes one Type, Steel Horse also makes another type.) If you don't want to do either of these, then you could find a Shackle and put it thru the hole in your bumper that the "Trailer Ball goes thru.

If your Pulling and the chain "Slips" off, if there is anyone standing too close it could take out a limb, if it is tight enough, or it could be sent back to the other Vechicle and take out its Radiator, Now you have 2 Stuck trucks.

Agreed. As for the rear mount, if you have a towbar, just feed the loop of the towstrap in the receiver and use the locking pin to hold it in place. This pin is what holds the receiver mounted hook in place, and is strong enough to be used as the pulling piece itself.

Originally posted by CBoug76

If your Pulling and the chain "Slips" off, if there is anyone standing too close it could take out a limb, if it is tight enough, or it could be sent back to the other Vechicle and take out its Radiator, Now you have 2 Stuck trucks.

I agree NEVER use any straps that have hooks and NEVER use chains. I heard of one man who was getting pulled out with a chain. When the chain broke it hit the man cracking his skull. By the time they got him out he was dead and there were several pints of his blood all over his truck.

i dont understand why some of the winch accesory packs use a chain...... like 6 ft in length with hooks.... also the tow truck guys use them too....

I don't know what to tell you.
maybe the Chain is used to create a tow point on trucks that don't have one or maybe wrap around a tree?(Tree Straps should be used)

OK guys

You should know this better than I do....but one thing I have learned if nothing else!.....always always... whether you are winching out ....or just using a strap you need to provide what is called "a point of recovery" meaning this....

hook up fairlead( or towstrap) to an object....whether you are winching them out or you are trying to winch yourself.... place a balanced weight to either side of the strap or lead to a point about 6 inches from the tow point.... if the strap or fairlead ever breaks free the backlash will be hampered by the weight placed's simple physics and it comes in almost all winch and towstrap instructions that I have ever read... it is like counterbalancing ...

I made my own out of the material that horse oats come in..... its made like a pillowcase I put two bricks on either side of the case...the empty middle is what lays on top of the fairlead or towstrap....



I used your technique and mounted the hooks today.
They look awesome. I got 10,000 lbs rated tow hooks from Carquest that were 13.00 a piece. I am really happy thanks for the pics and your good step by step instructions.


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I have a question. You said you got some metal from the junkyard to use as spacers so the hooks were .75" lower. Is this necessary?
