Truckhaven Oct. 21st -23rd 20th Anniversary Run Part 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven Oct. 21st -23rd 20th Anniversary Run Part 2


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
If you missed the last one in January or couldn't go to Moab, here is your chance to be a part of the 20th anniversary of the forum. You've got plenty of time to plan and save for this trip.


DW Eagle

Where: Truckhaven, adjacent to Salton City, CA :exporange








Truckhaven is a huge playground for off-road vehicles. There are trails for everyone from mild to wild. This is a great place to test your driving abilities as well as the capabilities of your Explorer.

Saturday night we will be having a potluck dinner with a twist. Everyone should bring their own meat and beverages, but also bring a side dish or desert for all to share. The potluck has been a lot of fun and very tasty in the past!

Bring your own cooking supplies if you can. You can probably share someone else's grill if you don't have one.

This area is primitive camping. There are NO TOILET FACILITIES ON SITE. Public restrooms are located about 5 miles from camp.

Weather conditions in October usually consist of warm days and cool to cold nights, rain can be present at this time of year and high winds and cold nights are always possible. Come prepared and please bring FIREWOOD!!

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IN! Hopefully with Mud in full sas form

Looking forward to it :chug:


In... and 5 months should be enough for most everyone to get ready... Hopefully I'll have the steering fixed in the Van by then..


We would love to make it, I am picking parts up from powder coating and my interior is going back in soon.

I'm hopefully in depending on work, I work weekends and during the evening, so if anything I can call in sick Saturday and leave early Sunday morning.

I'm a maybe. I think I'm in Utah or Nevada that weekend :(

If not, I will be there...;)

I'm planning for it! My truck will make it, but not sure it will make it off the road! Need to work on the front end....

^ Wow! Blast from the past there:eek:


This is starting out to be a good run. Come on people, you know you want to go. Sign up already!!

This is starting out to be a good run. Come on people, you know you want to go. Sign up already!!

We really want to go. I Just go my axle back from Rob Thomas Differential so I will be putting it back on soon. The axle was bent up and back so it had to be straightened and the tubes welded to the center section.

Since I don't have a wheeler myself right now, I'll be bringing a loaner from work. :)

View attachment 91671
As long as it doesn't have a 1000 watt stereo that plays only Mexican polka, and then only from 10Pm to 4AM, that should be alright.

This is a little premature, but are we camping up on the new mesa?

Working on this one. Got vacation time, got WAF, just need time to re-setup the JKUR for flat towing.

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