VW concept T: The dune buggy lives! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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VW concept T: The dune buggy lives!


Staff member
Elite Explorer
January 28, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie
The new Meyers Manx? :) This is actually a couple years old, but I don't think I've seen in on here.



Here is the write up.


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Not too shabby, I like the curves. It's looks a lot like a Hot Wheels car though..

One thing that is common of all the newer concepts are the tires. They have the weirdest designs ever!


ExplorerDMB said:
One thing that is common of all the newer concepts are the tires. They have the weirdest designs ever!


those tires actually dont look too wierd, to me, they look like the truxus sts

Shouldn't it have a big flower decal on the door? :p :D

ExplorerDMB said:
One thing that is common of all the newer concepts are the tires. They have the weirdest designs ever!


And the really weird thing is they make some crazy tires now. Have you seen the ones with flame tread? I can't rember who makes them though. I saw them at the last auto show on a new lifted tacoma. They are for sand mostly
