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warrior shackle question


December 31, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Morris County, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer AWD
those warrior shackles are extremely simple, and i didn't feel like waiting a few days to get a set delivered, so i just made a pair out of scrap bar stock i had lying around. my calculations were a little off though, and i only ended up with 1" of lift instead of the 2" i had hoped for.

that was with 7 1/4" between the bolt holes. about what is the distance between the bolts on the warrior shackles?


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nevermind, figured out where in my math i went wrong

IIRC it was 8.5... somewhere on here there is a drawing or diagram of the shackles. bascially, they are 3" longer than stock..


thanks. i came up with a bolt to bolt spacing of about 9 - 9.5" to yield a lift of 2.25"... going to give that a shot tomorrow.

if anybody is interested in the set of shackles that do 1" lift in the rear, let me know, i don't really have a use for them, so i'd let them go fairly cheap.


great thanks. i built myself a set of these today... 9 1/4" bolt spacing, so slightly larger than the war-153's. i'll upload some pictures later on.


  • new shackles.gif
    new shackles.gif
    16.2 KB · Views: 937

Great thread!!...I guess I will build my own set too then...my only question is which bolt spacing will give me a 2.25" lift...I plan on a new rear bumper, spare tire relocate and a couple of gas cans...so I will be adding a couple of lbs in the rear.

9.25" or 9.5" bolt spacing...stock mono leaf spring in the rear.



the rule for shackles is this:

Amount of lift you want x 2 = Amount longer your new shackles must be over stock

Im not diggin the copperheads. I did a video review in the link in my signature.

My guess is that it is drilled to 1/2" (13mm). thats the same mistake that the 1st batch of Warrior shackles had.. The person who did the measuring for Warrior (EF member) measured the bolt size but didn't take into account that the stock bolts weren't the same size all the way across.

In our case we ran a 1/2" bolt for 100k+ miles. last time I worked on the rear springs I drilled the holes bigger and put in 14mm bolts so the bolt would fit tighter in the spring bushing as the 1/2" one let the spring move around a little.


I was checking out the shackles and want to get them for my X. I have a question about the height gain. On the description it reads out as 1 1/4 inch lift but I read that people get a bit more out of it. Is this correct with it being a 1 1/4 lift or should I expect more on a stock rear end suspension?

