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Mass Air Flow swap


Active Member
June 1, 2006
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Pineville, Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
I am thinking about changing my mass air flow sensor and I was wondering if the 5.0 will fit the 4.0 OHV motor. It seems like it would because the plugs are the same but I want some input before I do this swap. Thanks in advance.

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yeah it works i got mine off of a 5.0 2nd gen. from a junk yard. works good. :thumbsup:


  • intake.jpg
    83 KB · Views: 993

:exp: I was thinking of going the same route you did with the air filter and was wondering how the gas milage is now and if you noticed any power increase or throtle responce increase in your rig? Bikeboarder

i got the filter @ a local store called "the genral store" but they sell them at schucks, autozone, ect. i got it for $20. and you need the adapter you can see in the picture. that is ~$10. the gas mileage goes up by like 1 or 2 mpg, if you can keep your foot off the throttle. the throttle responce is increased. it gives a noticeable gain in power. and it makes it sound like a beast.

i got the filter @ a local store called "the genral store" but they sell them at schucks, autozone, ect. i got it for $20. and you need the adapter you can see in the picture. that is ~$10. the gas mileage goes up by like 1 or 2 mpg, if you can keep your foot off the throttle. the throttle responce is increased. it gives a noticeable gain in power. and it makes it sound like a beast.

thanks for the info. I know where to get it here but the addapter is like 20 here. I am gonna change it. Anything to increase milage and power. I just paid $3.11 a gallon for gas today and I only got a tiny bit over a quart of a tank with $23 in it.:mad: :eek:

Don't you have to replace the internals in order to get it to work properly? I need to do this soon...

As for gas... it's about $1.08 per litre here... that's just over a quarter of a gallon I think... the tank takes 73 litres... I drive about 2000 km a month and use about 20 litres per 100 kms... you do the math...

? you used the maf and housing off a 2nd gen 5.0 right?

yeah. the one i bought dident have the electronics on it. somebody elce beat me to it. so i just used my electronics. on the 2nd gen the MAF is inside a bunch of plastic. because they have paper cone filters from the factory. so to get to it you need to pry apart the plastic.

but yeah you need to use the 4.0 electronics.

I believe they are the same sensor.....


I believe they are the same sensor.....


thats good to know because those newer MAF safty screws are a PITA to get out. they put a drop of melted plastic on the head of the screw. on the 91 they just use a safety torex.

chip it out its just epoxy, with a sharp ice pick.... Make sure by crossing part number on mass air sensor ford sometimes changes things from year to year but, As I understand it they were the same on 4.0 and 5.0 explorers...


Do you have to take the old sensor off of the original mass air flow housing? The plugs are exactly the same. I was just thinking about running it because I have a hypertech and need as much air as possible. How big is the millimeter difference between the two?

Original housing: 55mm

5.0 housing: 70mm

You decide... ;)

Well I made the swap today and I love it. Makes a hell of a difference. The exhaust note is a little lower and a lot louder. Throttle response is great. I would tell anyone to do this.

so you guys used a 2nd gen 5.0 throttle body and mafs???

Only the MAF. the TB doesent fit the intake. and if you are worried about emmitions, dont. i just went through today with my setup, i passed with flying colors. Washington uses california's standerds so i am still running clean even with 180,000 ticks.

Only the MAF. the TB doesent fit the intake. and if you are worried about emmitions, dont. i just went through today with my setup, i passed with flying colors. Washington uses california's standerds so i am still running clean even with 180,000 ticks.

im confused. I have a 95 4.0 ohv. can i go to a junkyard get the 5.0 MAF, go to autozone get the filter and im all set? :confused:

when you are @ auto zone you will need to get a MAF adapter so you can fit the filter to the MAF. you can see the adapter in the picture on post #2.

and when you say 2nd gen that is a 89-94 pony right???

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