www.explorer4x4.com t-shirt (April 2007 edition) - SOLD OUT | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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www.explorer4x4.com t-shirt (April 2007 edition) - SOLD OUT

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I wouldn't say "any day now" since once I get the new artwork I still need to get the Mods approval..

Once I have that.. I open for preorders (I'm only going to pre-order one week this time)..

Once the pre-orders are done the shirts get ordered.. The raw shirts (blanks) take 3 days to get...

I also have to get the job scheduled.. we are considered a very small job (we only do 100 shirts).. They normally do 500+ shirt jobs (multi color etc)..

I'm getting a family discount so I don't complain about getting pushed behind bigger/full price jobs.


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I wouldn't say "any day now" since once I get the new artwork I still need to get the Mods approval..

Once I have that.. I open for preorders (I'm only going to pre-order one week this time)..

Once the pre-orders are done the shirts get ordered.. The raw shirts (blanks) take 3 days to get...

I also have to get the job scheduled.. we are considered a very small job (we only do 100 shirts).. They normally do 500+ shirt jobs (multi color etc)..

I'm getting a family discount so I don't complain about getting pushed behind bigger/full price jobs.

I understand not about the not complaining if your getting discounts...thats great tho...ok so it still maybe another month or two. Where are you planning on putting a post when you start pre-order? I saw how fast they went last year and I dont want to miss the preorder timeline.

I hope it will be less than 2 months..

I'll post a link in this thread when I make the new thread..

It took a few months to sell all of them last time.. I was actually worried I wouldn't sell them all.


so is there any left!?!?!

damn lol

is there anymore shirts available?

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