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Your Favorite Song to Bump?

Mik7899 said:

Man I love blasting "Magic Medicine" off "S.C.I.E.N.C.E" in the truck it will even make a pair of crappy speakers bass sound good. My crappy Blapunkt speakers even shake the rear view mirror and side view mirrors pretty good with that song and not distort.

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For my part its an European metal group that only a really small amount of people know but if you love war games like counter strike ...maybe you already heard their song... The song is "Primo Victoria" and the group is Sabaton.
This **** is really loud and it talk about the war.

I would have to say anything metal is good. Metalica, Disturbed, Anthrax, Black Sabbath, Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver.
Not into Rap at all. Unless its something from the 80's and some 90's stuff. The new stuff sucks in my opinion. Its way too comercialized for its own good.

I like to listen to Country Boy can survive-Hank Williams Jr./Kiss my country a**-Rhett Atkins/Some underoath stuff, yeah strange mix but I like a little bit of everything :D

For my part its an European metal group that only a really small amount of people know but if you love war games like counter strike ...maybe you already heard their song... The song is "Primo Victoria" and the group is Sabaton.
This **** is really loud and it talk about the war.

Another good one by Sabaton is "Panzer Battalion"

It sounds like it. I haven't listened to it in awhile and I'm a little to tired to listen to lyrics. Its all great music though. Too bad they aren't more popular (here at least)
I think my favorite song by them is "We Burn"

if you have can search for them they have an account there
they gonna do a show in USA or Japan...people votes for it

Cure, especially Pictures of You (remix) and A Forest (live versions)
Sugarcubes, especially Birthday
Rush, just about anything
Van Halen, espcially the old pre-synthesizer stuff
John Williams and Boston Pops, Star Wars, Superman, Star Trek themes


jukebox hero-foreinger

Mount Sims-How We Do:confused:
J-Kwon-Tipsy=lots of thumping

Timbaland's Shock value album sounds pretty impressive. I must say it sounded better on the stock HU than on my new Alpine. (alpine sounds very compressed)

Right now it'd have to be "Inside the Fire" by Disturbed or anything by The Pack.

You need to check out Jay-Z's newest album, American Gangster. especially the song "Hello Brooklyn 2.0" feat. Lil Wayne. It's pretty good, but only if you have a system.

You need to check out Jay-Z's newest album, American Gangster. especially the song "Hello Brooklyn 2.0" feat. Lil Wayne. It's pretty good, but only if you have a system.

I think it's on my computer but I haven't listened to it. Tha Carter III will hopefully top anything that's out now...

BTW I've got all my speakers amplified and two 12" subs, so it bumps pretty good.

Im not much into rap, but when I like to show off I pop in The Bass Tester Cd to make the car shake.

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I won't play it if anyone is within earshot

but this song just thumps.

