Brochure Coupon? How long to receive? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brochure Coupon? How long to receive?

Hey guys!
What a great place to post incentive experiences. :) is great resource to check to see what’s available. Be sure to speak with your dealer for any questions on terms and conditions for any offer. As many of you mentioned already, the agents with the Marketing Program Headquarters at 800.334.4375 are awesome! ;)


Got a reply from my sales person today. Can't get more politicaly neutral than this.

"we will do everything to make sure you receive all the incentives available to you at the correct time,you will have no worries."

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I'm glad that other people received the rebate with the brochure. Heck, I'm glad others even got the brochure...

I requested a brochure online (a 2011) over a month ago...Never got it. Called that marketing # numerous times making sure I was being sent a brochure. Was told they had no record of my request online, but that they would make sure I received one within 7-10 days. 3 weeks brochure. My order ended up coming in so I bought it without the $750 rebate. Each time I called they told me to be patient, and yet I am still waiting...

Completely and utterly unimpressed with the marketing dept. I really like my Ex tho... lol

Sorry about not getting it, but there is certain criteria fir the rebate, not every broucher will have one assigned in it. I have a friend in SVT division, who is getting info for me on this issue.

Sorry about not getting it, but there is certain criteria fir the rebate, not every broucher will have one assigned in it. I have a friend in SVT division, who is getting info for me on this issue.

Got my broucher without the 750. I guess I'm not in the specail group. I'm not sure what they are looking for. Current Ford owner? I haven't owned a Ford since 1998. Weird.

just got my brochure two days after took delivery with my 750 in it. Like I mentioned in prev post, I was able to use the 750 without even receiving the brochure since it is electronic and accessible by the dealer. Sound like I am fortunate enough to be in the region they are targeting with these coupons.

BTW, If you can't get a coupon, are you at least getting x-plan pricing? There is another x-plan pricing thread floating around for more info.

I'm glad that other people received the rebate with the brochure. Heck, I'm glad others even got the brochure...

I requested a brochure online (a 2011) over a month ago...Never got it...
It’s great that you’re enjoying your Explorer, wildcatman. Are you going to do anything special this weekend? I was able to confirm it usually takes 7-10 business days for a brochure to arrive, and I see that there was one sent. Would you mind sending me a PM with your address so I can double check to make sure the one we have is correct?

Got my broucher without the 750. I guess I'm not in the specail group. I'm not sure what they are looking for. Current Ford owner? I haven't owned a Ford since 1998. Weird.
I checked and found those incentives are sent out based on certain market criteria, like Spengracin mentioned. We do not have insight into what this criteria is and this criteria changes periodically depending on the program being offered. Receiving a brochure never guarantees the receipt of a direct offer. They are sometimes loyalty offers for existing customers and sometimes for customers who have not owned Fords previously. For any other questions, the members of the Marketing Program Headquarters team @ 800.334.4375 are great at looking for answers. Have a great Labor Day! :D



I received a 2012 brochure in the mail that contained no incentive coupon. But when I called marketing support they were able to find a program number and certificate number good for $750.

Moral of the Marketing Support if you don't get a coupon in the mail. They may have something for you.

I just recvd a brochure, and the coupon was in the brochure this time, not mailed seperately. Its on the inside back page. Good thru 10/29.

My coupon expires in a couple of days I won't be able to buy till next month does anyone know if I can receive another after this one expires

When I ordered my Ex I told them that my $750 coupon would expire before I received and paid for my vehicle. They told me that I could still use it. The new coupon that I just got, by requesting a brochure online, is good for an extra month. If I get the Ex before it expires great, but even if it expires, I have been told that since I had the coupon when I ordered, that I will still be able to use it. We'll see how it goes once the Ex arrives.

Tell them you'll place an order, but only if they will honor you coupon, which will expire. At least in my case they said they would do it.

Or request another brochure.

Good Luck.

Well here's the info from my fried in the SVT division; we have mentioned this in the above threads,

1) loyal ford owners.
2) previous ford owners with in the last 4 years
3) consistent factory service
4) market targets, increase sales
And last, just call the Marketing folks, they'll get you one some how, really, and ask them to upload to the dealer ( in the ford system ) so when you are ready to pick up your new ride, you can still use it, expired or not. Of course it's still up to the dealer, don't give the dealer no slack, push them. Hope this helps, and sorry for the delay, my home PC took a dump, so this is from the tablet.

got my brochures in the mail over the it took about 1 1/2 weeks to get in the mail. i ordered a couple of brochures (explorer, expedition, edge) and i received the explorer and expedition...BOTH had the $750 coupon in them...

have any canadians been successful by getting one of these by calling the marketing department

have any canadians been successful by getting one of these by calling the marketing department
I don't think this discount coupon is offered by Ford of Canada. I do not recall any Canadian buyers of the 2011 models receiving this coupon the first time it came out. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.
Welcome to the Forum, clickclack. :wavey:

I don't think this discount coupon is offered by Ford of Canada. I do not recall any Canadian buyers of the 2011 models receiving this coupon the first time it came out. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.
Welcome to the Forum, clickclack. :wavey:

Thanks for the welcome, i know a few people that currently own fords that have received an offer in the mail for $500 purchase and $500 off if you use ford credit but it wasn't with a brochure. These mail offers i've been told have be given out to preferred ford owners.
However, I'll try to call marketing and see if they do anything for canada at all if you don't own a ford maybe i'll be able to find someone that can work something out.

...These mail offers i've been told have be given out to preferred ford owners.
However, I'll try to call marketing and see if they do anything for canada at all if you don't own a ford...
A huge welcome to the forum, clickclack! I’ve been told that the incentives are sometimes loyalty offers for existing customers and sometimes for customers who have not owned Fords previously. Let us know what they find when you call the Canada Customer Relationship Center @ 1-800-565-3673. I hope you had a refreshing weekend! :D


got my brochures in the mail over the it took about 1 1/2 weeks to get in the mail. i ordered a couple of brochures (explorer, expedition, edge) and i received the explorer and expedition...BOTH had the $750 coupon in them...

Can the $750 coupon you got ithe mail be combined with $1000 Cash Back thats on the web site?

Can the $750 coupon you got ithe mail be combined with $1000 Cash Back thats on the web site?

Yes it can. My dealer wrote up the order with both the $750 and the $1000. I have it in writing and signed. He also told me that he will guarantee the $1000 cash back even if the Explorer arrives after Oct 3. I hope he's right.

Edit: Bluelion, looks like we were both responding at the same time. So that's at least two of us that received both incentives together.

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Got my brochure today. It included the $750 coupon. The fine print states it's not valid with A/Z/D pricing. Has anyone been able to use with A-plan despite this? I understand the answer may seem to be an obvious "No". However, many people have used it even though it also states it can't be combined and yet others have used it outside the stated dates. Thanks.
