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Nice, v6 or v8 markopks?

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my bad, i have the v6 :p:

my bad, i have the v6 :p:


Sounds like it was the Cobalt that has the visual mods, not the performance. A supercharged or turbo'd Cobalt would eat us up:( My neighbor had one and I could beat him to the 1/8 mile and then he'd come screaming past to the 1/4. Do you have pictures of your ride? Maybe I'll see you around.

Here's some I took yesterday on my way home-




I remember I had a race with a Dodge Dakota, Guy driving with a bunch of girls and he lost. Think he was a little embarrassed haha.

Sweet pics Limited02.

God Limited those pics are saweet! Yeah hopefully I'll see you around the heartland sometime soon!

Here we go on some pics of mine (finally!)

ah clicking links is a pita, let's try this...




mark, lift that and slap an fx4 decal on it and we'll be twins lol

lol YES! i like where your head's at.

Anyone willing to help fund my attempt at a Kazer twin?

1.5 body lift for under $50 is a good place start?

EDIT: ive got over $5,000 in parts for my truck, might need a lot of donations lol

Yeah the wheels are more what i'm concerned with. i just finished up all the maintenance and tune ups and stuff that it needed since i bought it. talk about a laundry list! now i'm starting to save again

Here's some I took yesterday on my way home-




The pics look great, I really like the way the sky looks and how the explorer sits under the sky like it just came from the sky. A gift from the heavens perhaps?

alright guys i went with the black and it looks awesome.


i used spray bed liner instead of black spray paint b/c i didnt want the paint to flack off.


hey king, where would one going about getting the type of metal that you have over your foglights? might be an easy answer, but im not too familiar with fabbing things up so i have pretty limited knowledge in the dpeartment. i would however like to get my hands on some of that material. thats the exact type of grilling i had in mind for a particualr project ive been thinking about doing while sitting on the can and when im trying to sleep.


LONO100- i got the metal at lowes it is 12x24 1/2inch 18 gauge it was $10

Ronin8002- i used dupli-color truck bed coating

couple updated pics. after aout a year and a half and a lot of hard earned money spent, the exterior is complete to what i wanted


Just finished new rotors and ceramic pads (old ones were down to metal, see registry) all around and vera got her first wax job and back to black on all the trim. She's been retired from mudding after a short career. I call her the mall crawling pavement princess

As always looking good brother ... thought about debadging it? Btw hopefully this weekend ill have some new accessories ... auburnfans brushguard and step bars :) and what's next on the list for ya?

Thanks man. That brushguard is going to look great on your truck. And are the step bars the oem tubular ones? I thought about just debadging the back and leaving the sides, somethin about those letters being the only shiny Chrome-like things left on my truck makes me want to keep them.

As far as next on the list...I just bought myself a remote start and alarm, other than that, I'm done throwing money at this thing lol

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Yea they're both just westin ... all black ... yea your badges do shine mine just looked tacky imo all black then chrome ... not my cup of tea ... what's gonna be the next project?
